ID 原文 译文
101436 We should have maintained the same number of men, not in driving wheelbarrows, but in a distinctly technical, if not intellectual, employment, and those who were more intelligent among them would have been especially happy in that employment, as having room in it for the developement of their fancy, and being directed by it to that observation of beauty which, associated with the pursuit of natural science, at present forms the enjoyment of many of the more intelligent manufacturing operatives. 我们应当维持同样数目的人,不是要他们推手推车,而是要他们从事技术工作,如果不能称之为脑力劳动的话;那些较聪明的人干起来尤其快活,因为这项工作为他们提供想象的余地,指导他们对美进行观察,而这种美与自然科学的追求有关,目前构成了很多需要更多智慧的制造活动的快乐所在。
101437 We should have the confidence to surrender the aristocratic palaces to the sea, knowing that we could at any point create new edifices that would rival the old stones in beauty. 我们将面不改色地任由大海吞噬那些贵族的宫殿,知道我们可以随时创造出新的大厦,足堪媲美那些旧时代的石头建筑。
101438 We should have to know how the forest experiences its great age; why, in the reign of the imagination, there are no young forests. 光有历史是不够的。我们需要知道森林如何达到它的高龄,为什么在想象的范围里没有年轻的森林。
101439 We should have to speak of the benefits of all these imaginary actions. 想象力收割并耕耘。应该指出所有想象力行动的益处。
101440 We should know to ask at once what people would have to lack in order to see an object as beautiful and can come to understand the tenor of their deprivation even if we cannot muster enthusiasm for their choice. 我们知道该立刻问一句,人们是因为欠缺了什么才认为一样物品是美的,并进而对他们缺失的东西的性质寄予理解,哪怕我们根本无法认同他们的选择。
101441 We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him. 这字是什么意思?我们应该找一个翻译来.
101442 We should like to have an interpreter, let us call him。 这字是什么意思?我们应该找一个翻译来.
101443 We should like to open it, and we should also like to open our hearts. 我们想打开小箱子,我们也想打开自身。
101444 We should need a cosmic psychoanalysis, one that would abandon for a second human considerations and concern itself with the contradictions of the Cosmos. 我们需要一个宇宙空间的精神分析学家,他暂时抛开人间的各种操心事,去关心宇宙中的各项矛盾。
101445 We should need, then, purer "reagents" than those of psychoanalysis to determine the "composition" of a poetic image. 我们需要比精神分析学的反应物更加纯净的反应物来确定诗歌形象的"成分"。