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101376 We see it open chests, or condense cosmic wealth in a slender casket. 正是这个梦想打开了箱子,把宇宙的财富压缩成一个小小的箱子。
101377 We see them as something imperishable that embodies a fleeting glimpse of eternity, and we will travel across the world to encounter them. But there are also pleasures closer to home, which may be no less intense, involving a feeling of rapport with a place, which may involve a surprising range of the contradictory emotions involved in any long-term relationship. 但是,在离家较近的地方我们也会感到快乐,这种快乐的强烈程度可能丝毫不亚于我们面对伟大建筑的快乐,其中包含了对一个地方的认同和理解,这种认同和理解可能包含一系列令人惊讶的矛盾情绪,而这种矛盾情绪存在于任何一个长期关系中。
101378 We seek associations of peace in our bedrooms, metaphors for generosity and harmony in our chairs, and an air of honesty and forth-rightness in our taps. 我们在我们的卧室中寻求与和平相关的感觉,在我们的椅子中寻求慷慨与和谐的隐喻,在我们的水龙头上寻求诚实与坦白的态度。
101379 We seek to determine being and, in so doing, transcend all situations, to give a situation of all situations. 我们想要固定存在,并且想要在固定它的时候超越所有具体情况,从而给出所有情况的情况。
101380 We seem divided between an urge to override our senses and numb ourselves to our settings and a contradictory impulse to acknowledge the extent to which our identities are indelibly connected to, and will shift along with, our locations. 我们似乎既受制于一种罔顾我们的感觉、麻木我们自己以安于我们环境的欲望,又有一种相反的冲动,要认同跟我们的个性必然联系在一起的广度,要跟我们所处的位置一起改变。
101381 We seem incapable of looking at buildings or pieces of furniture without tying them to the historical and personal circumstances of our viewing; as a result, architectural and decorative styles become, for us, emotional souvenirs of the moments and settings in which we came across them. 我们在看到建筑或家具时似乎总不免将其与历史及我们个人的环境联系起来;结果,建筑与装饰的各种风格对我们而言就变成了对我们曾经历过的某些时刻以及某些地点的情感纪念。
101382 We sense a parable in stone about motherly love. 我们在石头中感受到了母爱的寓意。
101383 We sense little or no more action in grammatical derivations, deductions or inductions. 我们在语法派生、演绎和归纳中几乎不再感觉到行为。
101384 We sense the sheer improbability of nature ever creating anything that could rival this setting for coherence and linearity. 大自然绝无可能创造出如此整饬、和谐的环境。
101385 We set up camp in Le Corbusier's Maisons Jaoul on the outskirts of Paris, which then belonged to Peter Palumbo. 我们在勒·柯布西耶设计的位于巴黎郊区的乔乌尔住宅扎营,这个地方当时属于彼得·帕隆博。