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101366 |
We saw earlier that sometime around 3500 BC single, central burials, probably of important people, are found beneath long barrows and increasingly below round barrows. |
我们发现在公元前3500年左右,单体的中心墓葬一般位于长坟下方和圆坟的更下方,这些墓葬里埋葬的可能是很重要的人物。 |
101367 |
We saw in Chapter 3 that the Normanton Down group of barrows, which can still be seen from the Stones in a clear row in the middle distance, was connected to Stonehenge by way of the southerly continuation of the solsticial alignment. |
我们现在还能从巨石阵看到诺曼顿唐墓葬群,它是环绕着巨石阵盆地的低垄之一,在不远处清晰地排成一列。我在第二章中已经提到过,它在巨石阵沿着至日点方位向南的延长线上,并因此同巨石阵联系在一起。 |
101368 |
We saw in Chapter 3 that the causewayed ditch at Etton was characterized by a series of offerings or 'placed' deposits, which we believe may have symbolized events in a family or clan's history. |
我们在第二章中已经看到,埃顿沟渠的特点之一就是有一系列祭品或是人为造成的沉积,人们相信这象征了一个家族或宗族历史中的重大事件。 |
101369 |
We saw in Chapter 4 that it is currently accepted that the first significant development in the immediate area of Stonehenge was the digging of the enclosing ditch and its accompanying banks. |
我们在第三章中已经看到,现在学界普遍认可这一点,即对围合的沟渠及其堤岸的挖掘是巨石阵附近区域内最初的重要发展。 |
101370 |
We saw in Chapter 5 that Bluestonehenge was constructed in Stage 1 around 2950 BC. |
我们在第四章中已经知道,蓝砂岩阵建造于巨石阵的第一阶段,约公元前2950年左右。 |
101371 |
We saw in the previous chapter how the Historic England laser-scan survey had more than doubled the number of known Early Bronze Age carvings on the Stones, but it was also able to reveal evidence of damage – some of it very subtle, some quite blatant. |
我们已经在前一章中看到,在英格兰历史遗产保护局对巨石阵进行了激光扫描研究之后,人们已知的青铜时代早期刻痕数量被提高了一倍多,但它同时也显示出了损坏的痕迹,其中一些很细小,另一些却十分明显。 |
101372 |
We saw this dynamic in the hand-dressed stone surfaces of Neutelings Riedijk's Museum at the Stream in Antwerp. |
这一动态过程,前面介绍溪流博物馆的手工制备石头表面时就已经提到过了。 |
101373 |
We saw works by Robert Rauschenberg, Jasper Johns, Jackson Pollock, Willem de Kooning - the artists who were changing painting around the world. |
([40]罗伯特o劳森伯格(1925-2008),美国画家、图形艺术家;[41]贾斯培o琼斯(1930-),美国当代艺术家;[42]杰克逊o波洛克(1912-1956),美国画家,抽象表现主义绘画大师;[43]威廉o德o库宁(1904-1997),荷兰裔美国画家,抽象表现主义的灵魂人物之一。) |
101374 |
We see beauty in thick slate roofs that challenge hailstones to do their worst, in sea defences that shrug off the waves which batter them, and in bolts, rivets, cables, beams and buttresses. |
我们在面对冰雹岿然不动的厚厚的石板屋顶中看出美来,在毫不在乎地任凭海浪击打的海防堤坝中看出美来,在螺栓、铆钉、电缆、梁柱和扶壁中看出美来。 |
101375 |
We see in them evidence of those sides of human nature which enable us to thrive rather than simply survive. |
我们在它们中间看到了人类本性的另外那些侧面,正是这些侧面促使我们去奋进而非单纯地苟活。 |