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101236 We might wonder why artists competed among themselves to paint gardens and glades that would be more bucolic than any actual park, why they sculpted marble lips and ankles more seductive than those through which real blood might flow, and made portraits of aristocrats and royalty which showed them to be wiser and more magnanimous than they ever were. 我们也可以问一声为什么艺术家们争着要描绘比任何真实存在的公园都更具田园牧歌风味的花园和林间空地,他们为什么要把大理石的嘴唇和脚踝雕刻得比流淌着真正血液的嘴唇和脚踝加倍地诱人,为贵族和王室成员画的肖像为什么显得比他们本人远为聪明和慷慨。
101237 We might, quite aside from all other requirements, need to be a little sad before buildings can properly touch us. 也许在所有其他的要求之外,我们须得具备一点悲痛才能真正被建筑之美打动。
101238 We might, therefore, without the light of experience, conclude, that Architecture never could flourish except when it was subjected to a national law as strict and as minutely authoritative as the laws which regulate religion, policy, and social relations; nay, even more authoritative than these, because both capable of more enforcement, as over more passive matter; and needing more enforcement, as the purest type not of one law nor of another, but of the common authority of all. But in this matter experience speaks more loudly than reason. 因此,我们不需要经验,也许就可以得出结论:建筑除非在遵守与某个国家的宗教、政策和社会关系法律同样严格、同样事无巨细都很权威的法则时,才能繁荣;不,建筑遵守的法则应该比这些法则更加权威,因为两者在被动事物上都能够更严格执行,都需要更严格执行,但是不是以某一法则的最纯粹的形式,而是以一切法则的共有权威的最纯粹的形式执行。
101239 We moved in and worked with our friend Judy Bing to convert the apartment into wide open spaces. 我们搬了进去,后来和我们的朋友朱迪·宾一起把公寓改造成了宽敞的开间。
101240 We moved in together in Hampstead, and we married in August 1960, while she was completing her sociology degree at the LSE. 我们一起搬到了汉普斯特德,并于一九六〇年八月结婚,当时她刚刚拿到伦敦经济学院的社会学学位。
101241 We moved the main entrance from a formal Georgian front door to an inconspicuous side door on Royal Avenue, leading into an internal courtyard, previously a small north-facing garden, which we glazed over. 我们把主要的入口从一扇正式的乔治王时代式大门,改成了皇家大道上一扇不起眼的侧门。它通向一个内部的庭院,这个庭院以前是一个朝北的小花园,我们给它加了玻璃墙。
101242 We must act according to the contract. 我们应该按照合同办事。
101243 We must also allow for the freedom of the painter's subject, and looseness of his associated lines; a pattern being severe in a picture, which is over luxurious upon a building. 我们还必须考虑到画家在主体上所具有的自由,在相关线条上所具有的松散,考虑到在绘画中非常严肃的图案,到了建筑中就会显得过于奢华。
101244 We must also not forget that people had developed effective techniques for carrying out heavy civil engineering tasks without the use of wheels or pulleys. 我们得知道,当时的人们在发明出轮子和滑轮之前就已经掌握了建造大型土木工程的技术。
101245 We must avoid so far as possible the damage of equipment during storage. 我们必须尽量避免设备在储存期间损坏.