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101206 We may stay quiet about our affection for daffodils, for instance, until a reading of Wordsworth endorses the sentiment, or suppress our fondness for ritualised, solemn snow-viewing until the merit of the practice is confirmed by Natsume Soseki. 比如,我们可能会对我们热爱水仙花这件事守口如瓶,直到在华兹华斯的诗中读到对水仙花的赞美,或者压抑我们对庄严、具有仪式化之美的雪景的喜爱,直到这种行为的价值得到夏目漱石的肯定。
101207 We may thus apply the rule to the highest, as well as the art of daily occurrence, always remembering that more is to be forgiven to the great painter than to the mere decorative workman; and this especially, because the former, even in deceptive portions, will not trick us so grossly; as we have just seen in Correggio, where a worse painter would have made the thing look like life at once. 这样,我们就可以不仅把这一原则应用于日常艺术,而且可以应用于最高艺术,时刻牢记与单纯的装饰工人相比,我们更愿意原谅伟大的画家,因为画家即使是在骗人的部分,也不会一骗到底,就像我们刚刚在柯勒乔的作品中看到的那样,蹩脚的画家也许会让所画之物栩栩如生。
101208 We may without much doubt assume that there is not more than one room in each story. 我们可以不用过多怀疑地设想:它每层至多只有一个房间。
101209 We meet because people holding different jobs have to cooperate to get a specific task done. 我们之所以要开会,只是因为各有各的工作,要靠彼此合作才能完成某一特定任务。
101210 We meet because the knowledge and experience needed in a specific situation are not available in one head, but have to be pieced together out of the experience and knowledge of several people. 我们之所以要开会,只是因为某一情况所需的知识和经验,不能全部装在一个人的头脑里,需要集思广益。
101211 We met at Epsom Art School and studied together at the AA, where she helped rescue many of my drawings. 我们在埃普索姆艺术学校相识,后来一同在建筑联盟学院求学。她对我的绘画帮助良多。
101212 We met at a dinner party, soon after she had arrived and begun studying graphic design at the London College of Printing. 我们是在一次宴会上认识的,当时她刚来不久,才开始在伦敦印刷学院学习平面设计。
101213 We met when I was brought in to advise the AA on the final-year project of a group of students he was teaching. 当时我受邀为建筑联盟学院的一群学生的毕业项目提供建议,他正好是这群学生的老师。
101214 We met with the board every month, and they told us when they didn't like a direction we were taking. 我们每个月都和董事会见面,如果他们不喜欢我们的设计方向,就会告诉我们。
101215 We might also invoke the image of the fine art restorer, repairing the damage done over years to an old masterpiece. 我们也可以援引美术品修复者的形象,他正在修复一件古老杰作多年来所受到的损害。