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101156 |
We know what to expect and more or less where we will find it, so we can continue with the minimum of disruption, and have contact with local character in controlled and limited doses, returning to a temporary substitute 'home' in the hotel. |
我们知道自己希望在旅馆中找到些什么,也多少知道会在哪类旅馆中找到它,这样我们就能够不怎么受干扰地继续我们的生活,并与当地人的接触也是有限的,之后回到旅馆就像回到了一个临时的"家"。我们可以用我们的直觉来找到它,直觉会起作用。 |
101157 |
We know, thanks to the discovery of a number of tombs and other monuments that the spectacular rocky outcrops of the Preseli Mountains of southwest Wales were probably regarded as special, or liminal, in this way. I have journeyed through these landscapes and they never fail to affect me. |
多亏了之前发现的那些数量颇多的墓葬和其他纪念性遗迹,我们才得知在威尔士西南地区的普雷塞利丘陵上,那些露出地面的壮观岩层在当时很可能也被视为特殊或临界的存在。 |
101158 |
We know, too, that the Almerico family fell into disgrace before Palladio's villa had even been completed and that their successors, the Capras, enjoyed no greater favour from the gods of commerce and wisdom, who seemed to mock the family's aspirations from the villa's rooftops. |
我们也知道,还没等帕拉弟奥的别墅完工阿尔梅里科家族就已身败名裂,而且其承继者卡普拉家族也并未更多地享受到商业与智慧诸神的恩典,他们似乎都在别墅的房顶上嘲笑这个家族的勃勃野心呢。 |
101159 |
We learn the wrong lessons from our griefs while grasping in vain for the origins of contentment. |
我们根本就没能领会我们为什么痛苦,同时却徒劳地想抓住幸福的根源。 |
101160 |
We learn, as we should, from poets, who definitely belong in the most sensible sort. |
文学家最敏感,我们造园者应向他们学习。 |
101161 |
We left our T'ang temple for the devious journey back to Peiping and thence, with the other educational institutions, to the Southwest. |
我们离开了我们的唐代庙宇,迂回地回到北平,以后又随其他教育机构到了西南。 |
101162 |
We like to see the great buildings around the world as the clearest expressions of one lofty ideal or another. |
我们喜欢把世界各地的伟大建筑看成是这样或那样的崇高理想的最为清楚、明确的表达。我们把这些伟大建筑看成是永世常存之物,代表永恒之中的短暂瞬间,促使我们走遍世界去拜谒它们。 |
101163 |
We like to think that the canonic buildings have timeless value, that sails serenely across the vagaries of human histories, but on closer examination this view cannot be sustained. |
我们喜欢认为经典建筑具有永恒的价值。所谓永恒的价值就是不会因人类历史的改变而改变的价值,但是,走近了观察却发现这种观点站不住脚。 |
101164 |
We listened to jazz, blues and rock and roll - Charlie Parker, Dave Brubeck, Miles Davis, Modern Jazz Quartet, Elvis Presley - exciting music that seemed a world away from English jazz or skiffle. |
([37]查理o帕克(1920-1955),美国黑人爵士乐手;[38]戴夫o布鲁贝克(1920-2012),美国爵士钢琴家、作曲家;[39]迈尔斯o戴维斯(1926-1991),美国爵士乐演奏家、小号手、作曲家和指挥家。)我们看到罗伯特·劳森伯格[40]、贾斯培·琼斯[41]、杰克逊·波洛克[42]、威廉·德·库宁[43]--那些在世界各地改变了绘画理念的艺术家们的作品。 |
101165 |
We live among |
我们生活在它们中间, |