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101126 |
We individualize this general image right away. We live in it, we enter into it the way Blanchot enters into his. |
我们居住在这个普遍形象里,我们穿透它,就像布朗肖穿透他自己的形象一样。 |
101127 |
We inhale in it the impossible odor of lava, here granite has wings. |
我们在那里呼吸到熔岩非同寻常的气味,而花岗岩生出了翅膀。 |
101128 |
We instantly struck up a friendship. |
我们立刻就建立起了友谊。 |
101129 |
We knew that the whole idea of a library would be transformed in coming years; we could not predict the future, but we could perhaps create a space in which it could unfold. |
我们知道,关于图书馆的全部理念将在未来几年内发生改变,我们无法预测未来,但可以创造一个空间让未来在此展开。 |
101130 |
We know from brain scans that tactile sensations stimulate areas of our visual and auditory cortices, and visual sensations stimulate areas of the auditory and somatosensory cortices. |
脑部扫描告诉我们,触觉感受会刺激视觉皮层区和听觉皮层区,视觉感受会刺激听觉皮层区和体感皮层区。 |
101131 |
We know from other evidence that travel was growing in popularity at the outset of the Bronze Age, and it should come as no surprise that the new Beaker presence may well have included people from continental Europe. |
其他证据显示,青铜时代初期人们的出行已经变得越来越普遍,那么新出现的烧杯文化可能涉及来自欧洲大陆的人群也就不足为奇了。这一往来过程才刚刚开始,并且还将持续几千年。 |
101132 |
We know from the comte de Noailles, who served as governor of the palace in the eighteenth century, that because of pressure on space, Louis XIV had frowned on even the highest aristocrats having more than a couple of servants lodged in the palace - far fewer than they would have had in their own homes. |
诺瓦耶伯爵18世纪时曾担任宫殿总管,从他那里我们可以得知,由于空间上的压力,即便是那些地位最高的贵族,只要有超过两名仆人陪侍宫中,也会让路易十四深感不悦--可他们在自己家中拥有的仆人数量远多于此。 |
101133 |
We know he was an idealist. |
我们知道他是一个理想主义者。 |
101134 |
We know much, much more-a hundred times more-than we did a few decades ago about how cognitions directly or indirectly affect, or are precipitated by, our experience of the built environment. |
认知如何直接或间接影响建成环境体验,建成环境体验如何直接或间接促成认知,我们现在对这两个问题的认识远远多于几十年前。 |
101135 |
We know not for what they labored, and we see no evidence of their reward. |
我们不知道他们为何而劳作,我们看不到他们所获得的报酬的任何蛛丝马迹。 |