ID 原文 译文
100996 We had even asked the foremost expert on Adam's architecture to advise on the colour scheme, but when I showed Sir Peter Miller, who took over from Green as chairman in 1983, the result, he declared that it 'looked like a Neapolitan ice cream'. 我们甚至邀请了研究亚当的建筑风格的权威专家就配色方案提供意见,但当我向在一九八八年接替格林担任主席的彼得·米勒爵士展示成果时,他表示"这看起来就像一种那不勒斯冰淇淋"。
100997 We had good architects, but we'd never managed to develop a distinct architectural movement. 我们有很多优秀建筑师,但从未成功推动一次独特的建筑运动。
100998 We had learned from Barcelona how the Olympics could be a catalyst for urban change. 我们从巴塞罗那的经验中看到,奥运会可以成为城市变革的催化剂。
100999 We had lived in a waterside house before, an old stone farmhouse on Île Perrot in Quebec. 我们之前也住过水边的房子,那是一座位于魁北克佩罗(Île-Perrot)的旧石头农舍。
101000 We had lunch with the illustrious architect, sitting around a square, granite-topped dining table. 我们还和这位著名的建筑师共进了午餐,围坐在一张方形的花岗岩餐桌旁。
101001 We had no budgets, so we decided to 'catch and steer' (the phrase was Mark Brearley's) what was happening on the ground. 我们没有预算,所以我们决定抓住并掌握(这是马克·布莱尔利的原话)眼下实实在在的东西。
101002 We had not imposed a grid, but had cut into a block, adopting a language of tight-knit winding streets, small alleyways and yards sympathetic to the medieval street pattern. 我们没有设计棋盘式的街道,但分割出了区域,采用紧密蜿蜒的街道、小巷和小面积的空地来呼应中世纪街道。
101003 We had our first meeting with President Pompidou a few days later. 几天后,我们头一次见到了蓬皮杜总统。
101004 We had prepared a master plan for the site, for 500 apartments with high levels of affordable housing. 我们已经为这个场地准备了一个总体规划,拟建五百套高水平的经济适用房。
101005 We had read Kerouac's On The Road, and wanted to feel the expansiveness, the sense of space and possibility that America could offer. 我们读过凯鲁亚克的《在路上》,想要感受一下美国的广阔空间和丰富可能性。我们很羡慕诺依特拉[52]、迈耶[53]、辛德勒[54]、艾尔伍德[55]等建筑师享有过的自由--白手起家的自由。