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100916 |
We could grow our houses by rethinking material structures. |
重新思考材料的构成,我们就能培育自己的房子。 |
100917 |
We could identify four quite distinct phases, which could clearly be distinguished in the ground. |
我们可以根据土地中的明显差异划分出四个相对分明的阶段。 |
100918 |
We could never imagine that a new socialist culture would drop from the sky, nor could it be transplanted from a certain foreign land. It can only grow up out of its native soil. |
我们绝不能设想一个社会主义的新文化会从天上掉下来,或者是从某一个外国移植进来,它只能从自己固有的土壤里发育成长起来。 |
100919 |
We could no longer continue to plunder the world around us, but needed to think of a more sustainable approach to the environment, the metabolism that sustains our lives. |
我们已经无法继续掠夺周围的世界了,而是需要考虑一种对环境而言更可持续的方式,来维持我们生活的新陈代谢。 |
100920 |
We could present and maybe save some priceless pieces in these galleries that the state of the service does not allow to be opened to the public? |
虽然画廊现在因服务状态而无法向公众开放,但我们还能在其中展出,或许还能拯救一些无价之宝吧? |
100921 |
We could say that nothing in architecture is ever ugly in itself; it is merely in the wrong place or of the wrong size, while beauty is the child of the coherent relationship between parts. |
我们可以说建筑没有任何一部分天生就是丑陋的;它只不过放错了位置或做错了大小,而美正是各部分和谐一致的产物。 |
100922 |
We couldn't believe our eyes. The vast domed space of Westminster Central Hall was nearly full, and the queue was still snaking out of the building. |
威斯敏斯特中央大厅巨大的圆顶空间座无虚席,而排队的行列甚至蜿蜒到了大楼的外面。 |
100923 |
We couldn't continue to work like this. |
我们不能继续这样工作。 |
100924 |
We created a rectangular floorplan (1) and, rather than including the services within it (2), relocated them on the outside (3). |
我们创造了一个矩形的平面布置图(1),然而不是要将服务设施包含在内(2),而是将它们安置在外面(3)。 |
100925 |
We currently believe that this early work probably began around 3300 BC, although the ditch could have been dug slightly earlier. |
我们现在相信早期工程可能开始于公元前3300年左右,而沟渠的开挖可能还要更早一些。 |