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100906 |
We comply with and carry out the GB standard (ANSI, BS, AFNOR, JIS, DIN) in this project. |
在这个工程中我们遵守并执行中国国家标准GB.(美国标准、英国标准、法国标准、日本标准、联邦德国标准) |
100907 |
We comprehend the overall structure of its "prospect and refuge" landscapes in one sweeping view, surveying the enticing places they offer for our exploration. |
粗略扫视一下,在吸引人之处多留意几眼,就能理解公园景观的".望+庇护"主题。 |
100908 |
We confirm that the benefit of this guarantee may be assigned subject only to the provisions for assignment of the Contract. |
我们确认转让本保函的利益仅受转让合同的规定的约束。 |
100909 |
We consider the past, and a sort of remorse at not having lived profoundly enough in the old house fills our hearts, comes up from the past, overwhelms us. |
我们对过去下判断。一种没能足够深刻地在旧日家宅里生活的悔恨出现于心中,浮现于过去,将我们淹没。 |
100910 |
We considered Webber's playful class a welcome relief from our demanding lecture courses in structural steel and reinforced concrete, but Elements of Design had a serious purpose. |
我们将韦伯这堂有趣的课视为在钢结构和钢筋混凝土课程之外的一种令人愉悦的放松,但是设计元素这门课其实有着相当严肃的目的。 |
100911 |
We could add to this list of virtues by mentioning landscape urbanism's interest in making positive use of waste materials. In his book Drosscape Alan Berger, Associate Professor of Urban Design and Landscape Architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, argues that all cities produce waste, but that this is something which can be scraped, shaped, surfaced, and reprogrammed to fulfil socially and environmentally useful purposes. |
我们可以通过记录景观都市主义对于废弃材料的积极利用,为记述其优点的列表再增添一笔,麻省理工学院城市设计和景观设计学副教授艾伦˙伯杰在他的著作《废弃地景观》中提出,所有的城市都会产生废弃物,但这些废弃物可以被清除、塑造、平整和重组,实现对社会和环境有益的目的。 |
100912 |
We could avoid such calamities and live more harmoniously with nature, thought McHarg, if we took natural processes and values into account. He proposed a method for bringing everything into the picture. |
麦克哈格认为,如果将自然过程和价值纳入思考,我们就可以避免类似的灾害,与自然更和谐地生活下去。 |
100913 |
We could depend on the supply of "naturals," the few people in any area of human endeavor who somehow know what the rest of us have to learn the hard way. |
在那样的情形下,我们不妨完全信任管理者的天赋,认为他们已具备了一般人所不容易具备的能力。 |
100914 |
We could find little or no material in books. We have had to hunt for actual specimens. |
典籍中的材料寥寥无几,我们必须去搜寻实际遗例。 |
100915 |
We could find many other images on the theme of the city-ocean. |
我们还可以找到其他许多关于城市-海洋的形象。 |