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100776 |
We are not overly impressed by things that we think we could do ourselves, and the reason that the pyramids were one of the wonders of the world is that they could not easily be imitated, on account of the sheer expense of the undertaking. |
对那些我们觉得自己也能够做到的事情,我们不会有过多的印象,金字塔之所以被看成是世界上的一大奇迹是因为从纯粹的建造费用的角度来看,金字塔很难被模仿。 |
100777 |
We are now in the front of the unfinished tomb. It is really… |
我们现在来到这座未完成的陵墓面前,这真是… |
100778 |
We are obliged to colour an architectural piece – colouring that will perhaps disappear when the hand of time gives it another colour that is more befitting and precise for something old.' |
我们必须给建筑作品赋予色彩——这种色彩虽会逐渐消褪,但岁月将赋予其新的颜色,与老建筑更加相得益彰。 |
100779 |
We are offered a veritable cure of rhythmo-analysis through the poem, which interweaves real and unreal, and gives dynamism to language by means of the dual activity of signification and poetry. |
诗为我们提供了真正的韵律分析疗法,因为诗将现实与非现实交织在一起,通过涵义与诗意的双重活动,诗给语言注入了活力。 |
100780 |
We are prone to falling into a series of illogical assumptions which hold us back from being more demanding of architects: we presume that man-made beauty has been preordained to exist in certain parts of the world but not in others; that urban masterpieces are the work of people fundamentally different from, and greater than, ourselves; and that superior buildings must cost inordinately more than the uglier architecture which typically takes their place. |
我们易于陷入种种不合逻辑的假设,这些假设使我们无法苛求我们的建筑师:我们假设人造之美预先注定只能存在于这个世界的特定部分,别的地方一概无份;假设城市的杰作是那些根本上不同于我们、比我们更加伟大的人民创造的;假设优良的建筑跟总是取代了其位置的丑陋建筑相比肯定糜费无度。 |
100781 |
We are quite sure to greet the advent of a new era in our country, which may well be termed a "renaissance", by solving the above-mentioned problem step by step in the process. |
我们满怀信心,在不断解决这个问题的实践中,去迎接我国一个也可以称之为社会主义的“文艺复兴”新时代的来临! |
100782 |
We are really in the intimate space of underground maneuvers. |
我们其实就身处在地下密谋的内心空间中。 |
100783 |
We are reminded of the way we would wish things always to be and of how incomplete our lives remain. |
我们由此回想起我们对尽善尽美的想望,也由此认识到我们的生活是何等的不完美。 |
100784 |
We are routinely accustomed to behaving in different ways in different settings, without particularly thinking about it. |
我们在不同的环境中一般都会有不同的举动,这种不同并不是刻意而为。当处于熟悉的环境中时,我们知道应该怎样行事。 |
100785 |
We are routinely familiar with the symbolic role, and have no difficulty in recognizing the building as one of the 'sights' of London (Figure 5) but are less familiar with its internal organization, which is complex but highly rational - if seen with reference to the activities that were anticipated when it was built. |
威斯敏斯特宫所起的象征作用一般人都十分熟悉,人们也不难意识到这座建筑是伦敦"一景"(图5),但是,人们对其内部布局就不那么熟悉了。它的室内空间布局既复杂又十分合理--如果考虑到修建时人们对它的用途的设想的话。 |