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100716 |
We "intuitively" know that long rows of desks facilitate quiet activities and rows of long tables with clanking chairs don't. |
我们"凭直觉"知道,在长排的书桌那里要保持安静,而在配有吱嘎作响的椅子的长排餐桌那里可以说话。 |
100717 |
We "understand" the slant of a roof. Even a dreamer dreams rationally; for him, a pointed roof averts rain clouds. |
梦想者自己以理性的方式做梦;对他而言,尖尖的屋顶劈开团团乌云。 |
100718 |
We accept with gratitude the power that a single room can possess. |
我们遂忙不迭地心怀感激承认一个单间所拥有的魔力。 |
100719 |
We accept your suggestions for the appointment of the DAB, as set out in Schedule |
我们接受你们关于任命争端裁决委员会的建议,如资料表中所列 |
100720 |
We acknowledge that the Appendix forms part of this Letter of Tender. |
我们在此认可投标文件附录构成我们投标文件的一部分。 |
100721 |
We added Graham Stirk and Ivan Harbour - two of our most talented younger partners, both of whom had been with us since the Lloyd's Building - to the practice's name: Richard Rogers Partnership became Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners, with Andrew and Lennart becoming senior partners. |
格雷厄姆·斯特克和伊万·哈伯--最有才华的两位年轻伙伴新加入了我们,他们在设计劳埃德大厦的时候就跟着我一起工作了。事务所的名称也从"理查德·罗杰斯事务所"变成"罗杰斯-斯特克-哈伯事务所"(RSHP),安德鲁和伦纳特变成了高级合伙人。 |
100722 |
We admire New York precisely because the traffic and crowds have been coerced into a difficult but fruitful alliance. |
我们之所以欣赏纽约,正在于交通和人群已经被迫形成了一种困难却卓有成果的联合。 |
100723 |
We admire starkly simple works that we intuit would, without immense effort, have appeared very complicated. |
对那些我们不需多大努力仅凭直觉就认识到应该显得非常繁复,而实际上却异常简洁的建筑,我们自然称赏不已。 |
100724 |
We agree to abide by this Tender until ________ and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time before that date. |
我们同意至________日遵守本投标文件,在该日期之前的任何时间,本投标文件对我们一直具有约束力,并可随时接受中标。 |
100725 |
We agreed that local authorities should be empowered to lead the urban renaissance, for design to be an objective for all central government departments, for new local designations for regeneration areas or places where councils, businesses and residents could work together to enhance their environment, for fiscal incentives for recycling and retrofitting old buildings as well as building new ones, for reduced parking provision, for switching investment from highways to walking and cycling, for tough new targets for brownfield development, and for curbs on greenfield expansion and out-of-town shopping centres. |
我们一致认为,当地政府理当有权领导城市的复兴:为所有核心政府部门制订规划目标;为再生区指定地点,让市政局、企业和居民共同努力改善环境;为回收系统、改造旧建筑、建立新建筑等计划提供财政支持;减少停车设施;将投资从高速公路项目引流到步行和骑行的配套项目;为旧房清除区的开发制订严格的新目标;限制向未开发区扩张、限制在市外修建购物中心。 |