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100311 |
Vast resources went into making them, and from that we infer how powerful were the rulers who commissioned them. |
建造这些金字塔耗费了大量的人力、物力,由此我们可以推断下令修建这些金字塔的统治者是多么强大、多么有权。 |
100312 |
Vaulted Door |
券门 |
100313 |
Vaulted Window |
券窗 |
100314 |
Vaux-le-Vicomte in Maincy, south of Paris. |
巴黎南部曼西的子爵城堡。 |
100315 |
Vehicle parking is similarly conceived in the form of a carport. |
交通工具的停放处被设计成一个屋侧车库。 |
100316 |
Vehicles whose discharges of pollutants exceed the standards prescribed by the State shall not be permitted to be manufactured, marketed, or imported. |
超过国家规定的污染物排放标准的汽车, 不得制造、销售或者进口。 |
100317 |
Veille au coeur secret de la nuit. (Watches in the secret heart of night.) |
在夜的隐秘心中守候。 |
100318 |
Vendor quotations received 15 23 |
在项目规划阶段,很多不同的可能方案都可能被考虑,同时每一个备选方案的技术和经济可行性都经过评估和比较,以选出最优方案。 |
100319 |
Vendor quotations received 15 23 |
收到供货商的报价15 23 |
100320 |
Venetian Gothic, a particularly ornate version with Byzantine and Moorish embellishments, remained popular in that city well into the Renaissance. |
风格也不一定就会枯萎或者死亡。威尼斯哥特式就是一种豪华版的拜占庭式(Byzantine)和摩尔式(Moorish)的装饰性建筑风格的融合。 |