ID 原文 译文
100267 Validity of Contracts 合同效力
100269 Valorized space is a verb, and never, either inside or outside us, is grandeur an "object." 被赋予价值的空间是一个动词;无论在我们心中还是在我们之外,巨大从来不是一个"对象"。
100270 Valuable objects, such as the polished greenstone axes from Langdale, which we excavated in some numbers at Etton, acquired greater value and prestige because they were known to have originated in a very special place, far, far away. 我们在埃顿地区发掘出了许多来自兰代尔的抛光绿岩斧,它们产自非常遥远的特殊地点,因此往往会被赋予独特的价值和意义。(7)
100271 Value commitments, like results, are not unambiguous. 对价值观的承诺,也像直接成果一样,有时是难以捉摸的。
100272 Value public space: from park to pavement, public space is the heart of the city, providing a place for civic life and for the meeting of people. 重视公共空间:从公园到人行道,公共空间是城市的心脏,为公民生活和人与人的会面提供场所。
100274 Values become engulfed in miniature, and miniature causes men to dream. 价值涌入缩影中。缩影令人梦想。
100275 Values, not rules. 我这里说的是价值观,而非规则。
100276 Van Alen had taken those zoning restrictions to a sculptural conclusion, creating the world's most rakish, ziggurat-style spire, with a sunburst pattern at the top. 范·阿伦通过雕塑技法来解决空间限制的问题,创造了世界上最俏皮的金字形神塔风格的塔尖,其顶端设计酷似太阳光束。
100277 Van Braam also saw the Main Audience Hall, which he found "paved with white marble and hung with lanterns." 范巴澜也看到了以汉白玉铺地并挂有许多灯笼的正大光明殿。
100278 Van Braam also saw the Main Audience Hall, which he found “paved with white marble and hung with lanterns.” 范巴澜也看到了以汉白玉铺地并挂有许多灯笼的正大光明殿。