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100566 Walls and partitions are of unbaked brick. 墙和隔墙由免烧砖制成。
100567 Walls are indicated by two thick lines, sometimes filled in with a solid tone or cross-hatching, a technique that Beaux-Arts architects called poché; columns appear as circular or square black dots; windows are thin solid lines. 墙体用两条粗线表示,有时还会用纯色或交叉排线填充,这种方法被巴黎美术学院建筑师称为poché。柱子则用黑色的圆点或者方点表示。
100568 Walls meet ceilings at perfect right angles, without the softening influence of borders. 天花板与墙面以完美的直角相交,没有任何起到柔化作用的边线。
100569 Walls were built in China as military fortifications long before Qin Shi Huang's time, but the building of the Great Wall was attributed to Qin Shi Huang. 在中国,早在秦始皇之前,就有作为军事工事的防御墙修建,但长城的兴建确是因为秦始皇。
100570 Walls, rocks, tree-trunks, metal constructions, lost all rigidity in the area surrounding the mobile nucleus." 墙壁、岩石、树干、金属建筑物,都在活动的核的抛面中失去了全部的刚硬性。"
100571 Walls, window recesses and cornices would be emphasized with gilded mouldings. 墙壁、窗框和檐口会镀上金边加以突显。
100572 Walltown crags are another favourite stopping place for those wanting a quick look at the Wall, and these are also well signposted and provided with a car park. 若只想快速看一两眼长城,沃尔敦峭壁则是另一个深受欢迎的好去处,连绵的崖壁上适当设有指示牌,也有停车场。
100573 Walpole and his friends called themselves 'The Committee of Taste' and set out to define the Gothick style 沃波尔和他的朋友们称他们自己为“品味委员会”并着手定义哥特式风格。
100574 Walpole therefore decided to build himself the world's first Gothic house. 沃尔浦尔因此决定要为自己建造全世界第一座哥特式住宅。
100575 Walpole wasn't alone far from it. 沃波尔不是独自的,远远不是。