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100504 |
Visitors queued up, moreover, to see what they were encouraged to think of as a monument to monarchical vanity, selfishness and despotism. |
此外,参观者纷至沓来,希望看到那座被人将其与君主制的虚荣、自私和专制联系起来的纪念碑。 |
100505 |
Visitors to Chinese gardens invariably feel that, despite their small sizes, a delightfully intricate plan resides in their scenic allure. |
因此,游过中国园林的人会感到庭园虽小,却曲折有致。 |
100506 |
Visitors to Stonehenge also often visit Avebury, a short drive to the north. Here they can visit Windmill Hill, probably the most famous causewayed enclosure in Britain. |
前去巨石阵参观的游客一般还会去埃夫伯里,只需坐车向北前进一小段即可,在那里他们可以见到不列颠最有名的堤道围场——风车山。 |
100507 |
Visitors to the Holocaust Memorial, coming upon this urban playground, can't but note the incongruity of intent and outcome. |
游客慕名前来参观大屠杀纪念碑群,看到的却是城市游乐场,但不会注意到意图与结果的这种不一致。 |
100508 |
Visitors to the Master-of-Fishnets Garden are invariably delighted to see a pond surrounded by buildings where they can sit down or hang around. |
大园则以动观为主,静观为辅。前者如苏州“网师园”,后者则苏州“拙政园”差可似之。 |
100509 |
Visitors to the ch? teau were highly impressed by the decorative changes that Louis was introducing. |
路易十四对城堡装潢的改变给来访者们留下了深刻印象。 |
100510 |
Visitors to this royal summer palace of yore would invariably wonder, "Who says the northland stands no comparison with the Jiangnan area?" |
游人到此总会流露出“谁云北国逊江南”这种感觉。 |
100511 |
Visitors today see a reconstruction |
如今游客会看到重建后的场景。 |
100512 |
Visitors were allowed for the first time to wander freely rather than to follow guided tours, and restaurants and modern toilet facilities were provided on-site for the first time. |
第一次,参观者被允许在宫殿中自由漫步,无须跟随导游,餐厅和现代化卫生设施也首次投入使用。 |
100513 |
Visitors were there to be impressed and to admire: out of obedience to the king's command, therefore, their progress around the gardens was to be brisk, disciplined and respectful. |
参观者来到这里,是为了受到触动并表达赞美:因此,出于对国王命令的服从,他们在园林中的行程应该轻松愉快、秩序井然又满怀敬意。 |