ID 原文 译文
100401 Very few courtiers - the royal family, plus those who held the highest and/or most honorific posts - had a suite of rooms. 只有极少数廷臣--王室成员,还有那些担任最高、最尊贵职务者--才能拥有套房。
100402 Very few drawings were made of the 'sections' or layers of soil encountered in the ditch, although the few that were done were to a high standard. 这次发掘几乎没有对沟渠中的土层分布进行绘制,不过留存下来的少数几幅绘图水准颇高。
100403 Very few schools of design-with rare exceptions-offer, much less require, training in how humans experience the built environment. 设计师不够了解人类环境体验,根本原因部分在于过时的建筑学教育。除了很少的几个例外,几乎没有什么设计学院能传授有关人类如何体验建成环境的知识,更别说在这方面提要求了。
100404 Very fond of the craftsmanship, His Majesty constructed a studio to house the golden cranes, none of which was still in existence so far as Wang could see. 由于相当喜欢那精巧的工艺,乾隆就建造了一座斋堂来摆放这些金鹤;不过,王运已经一只也看不到了。
100405 Very little is known about Britain during the reign of the Emperor Trajan (AD 98–117). 关于不列颠在图拉真皇帝统治期间(公元98—117年)的情况,我们知之甚少。
100406 Very much later, in the Iron Age, around 500 BC, some of these places would develop into hillforts, and even later, in Roman times, a few would become towns. 到很久以后,约公元前500年的铁器时代,有些集会场所发展成了山顶古城,到更后面的罗马时代,还有一些演化成了城镇。
100407 Very often the services of a design firm are a product of a team of people. 一个设计公司提供的服务,通常都是由一组人来完成的。
100408 Very often the thing is more delightful than the stone-work itself, and all because it is broad, dark, and simple. 遮棚往往比石制作品本身更令人愉快,因为遮棚宽阔、黑暗、简单。
100409 Very often the true form, in the marble, would not be in the least like itself. 真正的形状通过大理石表现出来,往往和事物本身一点都不像。
100410 Very often the wide end of the long barrow was walled and marked out by slabs and paving to form a forecourt. The forecourt was where funeral ceremonies took place. 长坟较宽的一端通常有墙围住,还会用厚板铺成一个前院,作为丧葬仪式的举办地。