ID 原文 译文
100391 Versailles, he maintained, 'more concerns Your Majesty's pleasure and entertainment than his glory'. 'What a shame if the greatest and most virtuous of kings should be judged by the measure of Versailles!' 他坚持认为,凡尔赛宫"在供陛下享乐方面发挥的作用远大于为他增添荣耀的程度":"如果以凡尔赛宫作为衡量最伟大、最正直的君王的标准,那该是何等的耻辱!"
100392 Versailles, tes routes fleuries, 凡尔赛,你繁花盛开的道路,
100393 Versailles-type splendour was far too expensive for the restored regime to contemplate: Napoleonic France had lived off the proceeds of conquest, but now, forced back to its 1792 frontiers, the country was in straitened circumstances - and also had to pay war reparations to the allies who had defeated Napoleon. 对复辟王朝来说,"凡尔赛式"奢华太过昂贵,使其难以负担:拿破仑时期的法国曾靠征服所得维持,但如今却被迫退回其在1792年时的边境,这个国家处在困苦之中--而且还必须向击败拿破仑的反法同盟支付战争赔款。
100394 Versailles: Landscape of Power and Pleasure 凡尔赛宫:路易十四的权力景观与法兰西历史记忆
100395 Versatility in Planning The skeleton system of construction lends great versatility in plan arrangements. 中国建筑的骨架结构体系带来了平面布局的多样化。
100396 Vertical and horizontal loads transmitted from the superstructure disperse rapidly from the top of a pier. 从上部结构传递下来的垂直荷载和水平荷载在桥墩顶部迅速扩散。
100397 Vertical type of breakwater are limited to a depth of 20 m or less, below water level due to practical considerations. 基于实际考虑,垂直式防波堤高度应不大于在海平面以下20米。
100398 Verticality is ensured by the polarity of cellar and attic, the marks of which are so deep that, in a way, they open up two very different perspectives for a phenomenology of the imagination. 垂直性是由地窖和阁楼的两极来确保的。这种垂直性的标记如此深刻,乃至在某种程度上为想象力的现象学启发了两个完全不同的方向。
100399 Very clearly, the poetic image furnishes one of the simplest experiences of language that has been lived. 很清楚,诗歌形象带有生命经历的语言所具有的最单纯的经验之一。
100400 Very difficult conditions to build in. SIMON WARRACK (CONT'D): 这里的施工条件非常困难。