ID 原文 译文
100225 VIII. The next ornament whose cause I would try is that of our Tudor work, the portcullis. VIII 我打算追根溯源的下一种装饰是我们都铎王朝时的作品,城堡的吊闸。
100226 VIII. What is needful in the setting forth of magnitude in height, is right also in the marking it in area-let it be gathered well together. VIII 在表现高度方面所必需的也同样适用于表现面积--让我们进行共同采集。
100227 VIII. With deceptive concealments of structure are to be classed, though still more blameable, deceptive assumptions of it-the introduction of members which should have, or profess to have, a duty, and have none. One of the most general instances of this will be found in the form of the flying buttress in late Gothic. VIII 引进一些本该具有或者宣称具有某种作用的结构,但是实际上却没有,这种对结构的欺骗性假设核对结构的欺骗性隐藏被归为一类,但却更应受到谴责。
100229 VILLA CORBEAU 乌鸦别墅
100230 VINCE LEE (CONT’D V/O): 文斯·李:
100231 VINCE LEE (CONT’D V/O): 文斯·李:…
100232 VINCE LEE (CONT’D V/O): 文斯·李:违背它们。
100233 VINCE LEE (CONT’D V/O): And that way they could not only drag it easily without the edges digging in, and they could turn it quite easily. 这样一来,他们不仅能够轻易地移动巨石,免去石头棱角插进土里的麻烦,而且能够轻松地翻转巨石。
100234 VINCE LEE (CONT’D): 文斯·李:
100235 VINCE LEE (CONT’D): 文斯·李:…