ID 原文 译文
100189 V.) Arch from the Fa? ade of the Church of San Michele at Lucca. [无]
100194 VI. A Sixth-Century Open-spandrel Bridge 6世纪的开拱桥
100195 VI. Architectural Deceits are broadly to be considered under three heads:- VI 建筑欺诈大体可以从三方面来考虑:
100196 VI. But farther, was it necessary to the carrying out of the Mosaical system, that there should be either art or splendor in the form or services of the tabernacle or temple? VI 再次,为了实现摩西的制度,犹太神堂或庙宇的形式或仪式中必需具有艺术或华丽吗?
100197 VI. Frankness, however, is in itself no excuse for repetition, nor audacity for innovation, when the one is indolent and the other unwise. VI 然而当诚实变成懒惰、大胆变成不明智时,诚实本身并不成为重复的借口,大胆同样也不是别出心裁的借口。
100198 VI. Future Prospects for China’s Transport 六、中国交通的未来展望
100199 VI. I say architecture and all art; for I believe architecture must be the beginning of arts, and that the others must follow her in their time and order; and I think the prosperity of our schools of painting and sculpture, in which no one will deny the life, though many the health, depends upon that of our architecture. VI 我说的是建筑及一切艺术,因为我认为建筑是一切艺术的滥觞,其它的艺术在时间和等级上都随其后;我认为尽管有很多人否认我们英国画派和雕塑派的健康,但却无人否认其生命力,它们的繁荣取决于我们的建筑的繁荣。
100200 VI. I would have, then, our ordinary dwelling-houses built to last, and built to be lovely; as rich and full of pleasantness as may be, within and without; with what degree of likeness to each other in style and manner, I will say presently, under another head; but, at all events, with such differences as might suit and express each man's character and occupation, and partly his history. VI 我希望我们的民居建得耐久,建得可爱,里里外外尽可能富丽,尽可能充满欢乐;它们彼此在风格和建造方式上的相似程度,我不久将在另一个标题下进行讨论,不过不管怎么样,它们必须具有差别,与各个人的性格、职业相适应,甚至也和各个人的历史也大致吻合,并且能够表现这些性格、职业和历史。