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100158 Usually places approved by geomancers appeared to be tranquil burial grounds or delightful and beautiful home settings. Interestingly, the noted historian of sciences Joseph Needham also finds thatfengshuiembodied “a marked aesthetic component.” 有趣的是,著名的科学史家李约瑟(1900—1995)亦发现风水具有“显著的美学成分”。
100159 Usually tar coating or cathodic protection can be employed in permanent works. 通常采用涂刷煤油沥青或阴极保护法来延长钢桩的使用寿命。
100160 Usually that is only for a short time on any given day, and many days, not at all. 而且通常只会在某天某段很短的时间内对我们产生这么强大而真切的影响,在大部分时候并没有这样的影响。
100161 Usually the people who are most important to the effectiveness of an executive are not people over whom he has direct control. They are people in other areas, people who in terms of organization, are "sideways." 对管理者的有效性而言,最重要的人物,往往并不是管理者直接控制的下属,而是其他部门的人,即所谓“旁系人士”,或是管理者本人的上司。
100162 Usually the underground palace can be accessed from the first floor of the pagoda. 很多塔从塔内第一层正中即可探到地宫。
100163 Usually they subcontract 100% of the project work and prefer to be involved in both the design and construction processes. 通常,他们分包工程项目的100%,而且更喜欢同时参与设计和施工过程。
100164 Usually this hole is hidden beneath a branch, and I have often examined a nest from every angle before noticing this opening, which also serves as entrance for the female bird." 这个开口通常隐藏在树枝下面。我经常在从各个角度考察了它的巢之后才找到那个让母莺进出的开口。"
100165 Usually, on the basis of experience, the designer selects a trial member and then does an analysis to see if that member meets the specified requirements. 通常在经验基础上,设计师选择一个试验构件,然后分析它是否能够满足特定的要求。
100166 Usually, repair involves cleaning these devices and adjusting to the proper position. 通常,维修包括清除这些装置并且调整到适当的位置。
100167 Usually, the soil regains some of its strength three to five months after it has been driven. 摩擦桩也能通过其桩身与土的摩擦来传递荷载。