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953 1 The circulating pipe of single building should adopt reversed return layout; the hot water return main pipe and stand pipe are connected through tee and the return stand pipe shall be set with flow-limit regulating valve and thermostatic valve to ensure good circulation effect; 1 单体建筑的循环管道宜采用同程布置,热水回水干、立管采用导流三通连接和在回水立管上设限流调节阀、温控阀等保证循环效果的措施;
954 1 The classification of residential building dwelling unit, the minimum utilization area of each room, the calculation of technical and economic indicators, the setup of storied buildings, elevators and post box were revised; 1.修订了住宅套型分类及各房间最小使用面积,技术经济指标计算,楼、电梯及信报箱的设置等;
955 1 The clear width of retained temporary construction opening in the wall shall not be greater than 1m, and the distance between its side edge and the wall surface at the junction shall not be less than 500mm; 1 墙上留置临时施工洞口净宽度不应大于1m,其侧边距交接处墙面不应小于500mm;
956 1 The clearance between pretensioning tendons should not be less than 2.5 times of the nominal diameter or equivalent diameter of prestressing tendons or 1.25 times of the maximum particle size of coarse aggregate in concrete, which shall also not be less than 15mm, 20mm and 25mm respectively for prestressing wire, 3-wire steel strands and 7-wire steel strands. When there is reliable guaranty for concrete compatibility under vibrating, the clearance may be broadened to 1.0 times of the maximum particle size of coarse aggregate; 1 先张法预应力筋之间的净间距,不宜小于预应力筋公称直径或等效直径的2.5倍和混凝土粗骨料最大粒径的1.25倍,且对预应力钢丝、三股钢绞线和七股钢绞线分别不应小于15mm、20mm和25mm。当混凝土振捣密实性有可靠保证时,净间距可放宽至粗骨料最大粒径的1.0倍;
957 1 The coating layer is poorly dried and cured without firm adhesion or present with pulverization and shedding; 1 涂层干燥固化不良,粘结不牢或粉化、脱落;
958 1 The cold/heat source system shall be able to realize load regulation, preset time schedule based automatic start/stop and optimized control of energy conservation; 1 冷热源系统应能实现负荷调节、预定时间表自动启停和节能优化控制;
959 1 The color temperature of the illuminating light source for ice and snow landscapes shall follow the provisions in Table 4.6.3-1. 1 冰雪景观建筑照明光源的色温应符合表4.6.3-1 的规定。
960 1 The color temperature should not be higher than 4000K for long working or staying rooms or places, and the special color index R9 shall be greater than zero. 1 长期工作或停留的房间或场所,色温不宜高于4000K,特殊显色指数R9应大于零;
961 1 The command to open or close the platform screen doors shall be sent only if the ATP opens or closes the train doors after the train has come to a full stop at the specified stop position. 1 列车在规定的停站位置停稳后,当ATP开启或关闭列车车门时,能给出开启或关闭屏蔽门的命令。
962 1 The common functional pipeline include the main riser for water supply, stand pipe for fire control, stand pipe for rainwater, the return main riser for heating (air conditioning) supply, power distribution, the main line (tube) for light current etc., except the stand pipe for rainwater arranged in the open-type balcony; 1 公共功能的管道,包括给水总立管、消防立管、雨水立管、采暖(空调)供回水总立管和配电和弱电干线(管)等,设置在开敞式阳台的雨水立管除外;