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913 1 The area of the steel shim plate shall be determined through calculation according to the concrete compression strength, the bearing load of the column base plate and fastening tension of anchor bolts (anchors); 1 钢垫板面积应根据混凝土抗压强度、柱脚底板承受的荷载和地脚螺栓(锚栓)的紧固拉力计算确定;
914 1 The autoclaved common bricks include autoclaved lime-sand solid brick and autoclaved fly ash solid brick; 1 蒸压普通砖包括蒸压灰砂实心砖和蒸压粉煤灰实心砖;
915 1 The average value of appearing part may be adopted as the quasi-permanent value ψqQk for part of variable action that frequently appears on structure. 1 对在结构上经常出现的部分可变作用,可将其出现部分的均值作为准永久值ψqQk采用。
916 1 The azimuth and elevation angle of satellite receiving antenna shall be adjusted according to the received satellite parameters; 1 应根据所接收的卫星参数调整卫星接收天线的方位角和仰角;
917 1 The bearing capacity and pile shaft strength shall be calculated for all of the pile foundations. For the precast piles, strength and crack resistance checking shall be carried out in the processes of transport, hoisting and hammering. 1 所有桩基均应进行承载力和桩身强度计算。对预制桩,尚应进行运输、吊装和锤击等过程中的强度和抗裂验算。
918 1 The bearing capacity of structure elements of ice masonries shall be calculated based on the ice masonry strength value at-10℃ in the temperature grading; 1 雪体结构构件承载力应按温度分级取-10℃雪体强度设计值计算;
919 1 The bearing capacity of structure elements of ice masonries shall be calculated based on the ice masonry strength value at-5℃ in the temperature grading; 1 冰砌体结构构件承载力应按温度分级取-5℃冰砌体强度设计值计算;
920 1 The bearing capacity of the existing column shall be checked according to the bearing axial compression Nm and the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 50003 Code for Design of Masonry Structures. 1 原柱的承载力,应根据其所承受的轴向压力值Nm,按现行国家标准《砌体结构设计规范》GB 50003的有关规定验算。
921 1 The bearing capacity of weak underlying layer shall be checked according to the following formula: 1 应按下式验算软弱下卧层的地基承载力:
922 1 The bending moment of any section per linear meter of width may be calculated according to the following formula. 1 任意截面每延米宽度的弯矩,可按下式进行计算。