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6722 |
3 The building automation system server, workstation management software and database shall be configured normally and the software function shall meet the design requirements; |
3 建筑设备监控系统服务器、工作站管理软件及数据库应配置正常,软件功能应符合设计要求; |
6723 |
3 The buildings primarily for cooling, with relatively very small heating loads, and incapable of using heat pump or other modes as heating source; |
3 以供冷为主、供暖负荷非常小,且无法利用热泵或其他方式提供供暖热源的建筑; |
6724 |
3 The buildings with a design grade of Grade C shall be subjected to deformation checking under one of the following conditions: |
3 设计等级为丙级的建筑物有下列情况之一时应作变形验算: |
6725 |
3 The buildings without vapor source for humidifying in winter and with high accuracy control requirements for indoor relative humidity in winter. |
3 冬季无加湿用蒸汽源,且冬季室内相对湿度控制精度要求高的建筑。(本条规范于2022年1月1日被工程建设国家标准《建筑节能与可再生能源利用规范》 GB 55015-2021废止) |
6726 |
3 The cabinet (rack) enclosures shall be intact and free from peeling, rusting and blistering and the paint layer shall be uniform in thickness and color. |
3 机柜(架)外壳应完好无损,漆层应厚薄均匀、颜色一致,并无脱皮、反锈、鼓泡现象。 |
6727 |
3 The cable linear detectors shall be laid at the substations and cable interlayer under the station platform. |
3 变电所、车站站台板下的电缆夹层应敷设缆式线型探测器。 |
6728 |
3 The cable shaft or pipe/duct shaft shall be protected where it crosses the floor slab at each level by non-combustible materials or fire stop materials having a FRL not less than that of the floor slabs; the cable shaft or pipe/duct shaft shall be protected by fire stop materials at the places linked with other ducts in the room or the aisle. |
3 电缆井、管道井应在每层楼板处采用不低于楼板耐火极限的不燃性材料或防火封堵材料封堵;电缆井、管道井与房间、走道等相连通的孔洞,其空隙应采用防火封堵材料封堵。 |
6729 |
3 The cable shall be left with a surplus no less than one half of the box body perimeter in the splitter and distributor box; |
3 电缆在分支器、分配器箱内应留有不小于箱体周长一半的余量; |
6730 |
3 The cantilever length of adjustable forkhead, inserted on top of upright tube, extended outside of top horizontal tube shall not be greater than 650mm and the length of screw inserted into the steel tube shall not be less than 150mm. The clearance between screw to the inner wall of steel tube shall be not greater than 6mm. |
3 插入立杆顶端可调托座伸出顶层水平杆的悬臂长度不应大于650mm,螺杆插入钢管的长度不应小于150mm,其直径应满足与钢管内径间隙不大于6mm的要求。 |
6731 |
3 The carpet periphery shall be embedded under blocking strip and kicking line; |
3 地毯周边应塞入卡条和踢脚线下; |