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6542 |
3 Noise in process of hydraulic passenger elevator door and hydraulic bed elevator door opening and closing shall not be larger than 65dB (A). |
3 乘客液压电梯和病床液压电梯的开关门过程噪声不应大于65dB(A)。 |
6543 |
3 Non-conforming inspection lot in construction quality after concreting shall be treated according to the relevant requirements of this code. |
3 混凝土浇筑后施工质量不合格的检验批,应按本规范有关规定进行处理。 |
6544 |
3 Non-shady ground parking space accounts for a number not more than 10% of the total ground parking space; |
3 无遮荫的地面停车位占地面总停车位的比率不超过10%; |
6545 |
3 Not exceed 40℃ where the train compartment is equipped with air conditioners and the station is equipped with fully-enclosed platform screen doors. |
3 当列车车厢设置空调、车站设置全封闭站台屏蔽门时,不应高于40℃。 |
6546 |
3 Number of stacking layer and stabilizing measures for precast member. |
3 预制构件堆垛层数、稳定措施。 |
6547 |
3 On split-phase conductors, pins and drift bolts shall thread from outside of line bundle into inside of the line bundle; |
3 分裂导线上的穿钉、螺栓一律由线束外侧向内穿; |
6548 |
3 On the base of trial mix proportioning, amount of cementitious materials is adjusted and no less than 3 kinds of proportion shall be proposed for trial mixing. The mix design shall be determined according to test results for compressive strength and durability of specimens; |
3 在试拌配合比的基础上,调整胶凝材料用量,提出不少于3个配合比进行试配。根据试件的试压强度和耐久性试验结果,选定设计配合比; |
6549 |
3 On-duty lighting shall be provided in places that need to be watched or inspected during non-working hours at night. |
3 需在夜间非工作时间值守或巡视的场所应设置值班照明; |
6550 |
3 On-site mixing mortar shall be sampled from the same stirring plate during making each group of test cubes. |
3 现场拌制的砂浆,制作每组试块时应在同一搅拌盘内取样。 |
6551 |
3 On-site quick repeat test of damp heat aging performance. |
3 耐湿热老化性能现场快速复验。 |