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6412 |
3 If LED signal is at normal operation status, all the LED tubes shall be illuminated. |
3 LED信号机正常工作时全部灯管应点亮。 |
6413 |
3 If an over-current protector is adopted, the operating current of the fault circuit of inverse time over-current protector (Ia) shall cut off the current within 5 seconds. The operating current (Ia) which adopts the fault circuit of instantaneous characteristics of the over-current protector, shall be the minimum instantaneous current ensuring instantaneous action. |
3 当采用过电流保护器时,反时限特性过电流保护器的故障回路的动作电流(Ia)应保证5s内切断电流;采用瞬时动作特性过电流保护器的故障回路的动作电流(Ia)应为保证瞬时动作的最小电流; |
6414 |
3 If crimping is adopted for wiring connections, dedicated crimping tools suitable for the cross-section of cores shall be adopted. |
3 配线采用压接方式连接时,应使用与芯线截面相适应的专用压线工具。 |
6415 |
3 If external sun shading members are arranged, solar heat gain coefficient of external window (including transparent curtain wall) shall be the product of solar heat gain coefficient of external window itself (including transparent curtain wall) and shading coefficient of external sun shading members. |
3 当设置外遮阳构件时,外窗 (包括透光幕墙)的太阳得热系数应为外窗 (包括透光幕墙)本身的太阳得热系数与外遮阳构件的遮阳系数的乘积。 |
6416 |
3 If it is discovered that any structure or member has such abnormal conditions as sudden deformation enlarge, crack extension or crack number increase during the strengthening process, the construction shall be stopped immediately and the roof shall be supported, and a written notice on these conditions shall be sent to the safety management organization or the safety superintendent timely; |
3 在加固过程中,若发现结构、构件突然发生变形增大、裂缝扩展或条数增多等异常情况,应立即停工,支顶并及时向安全管理单位或安全负责人发出书面通知; |
6417 |
3 If it is doubted that the net weight is insufficient in the product package, samples also shall be taken for repeat test. |
3 若怀疑产品包装中净重不足,尚应抽样复验。 |
6418 |
3 If it is inconvenient to spray water on the concrete surface or to cover the concrete surface with plastic cloth, the concrete surface shall be brushed with curing agent; the property and quality of the curing agent shall meet the requirements of the current professional standard JC/T 901 Curing Compounds for Cement Concrete. |
3 混凝土的表面不便浇水或使用塑料布覆盖时,应涂刷养护剂;养护剂的性能和质量应符合现行行业标准《水泥混凝土养护剂》JC/T 901的要求。 |
6419 |
3 If main pedestrian passageway in building site exists height difference or is arranged with steps, wheelchair ramp or wheelchair accessible elevator shall be arranged. |
3 建筑基地的主要人行通道当有高差或台阶时应设置轮椅坡道或无障碍电梯。 |
6420 |
3 If the calculation length for the platform is less than 100m, and the stair and escalator are arranged beyond the calculation length of the platform, then 5m shall be available for the island platform and 3.5m for the side platform. |
3 当站台计算长度小于100m,且楼梯和自动扶梯设置在站台计算长度以外时,岛式站台5m,侧式站台3.5m。 |
6421 |
3 If the cross-section of the steel tube is small, enough air vents shall be preformed on steel tube wall and the air vent size shall not be less than 20mm. Observation on air vents shall be enhanced during concrete placement and the air vents will be sealed after confirmation of paste flowing out and concrete being compacted; |
3 钢管截面较小时,应在钢管壁适当位置留有足够的排气孔,排气孔孔径不应小于20mm;浇筑混凝土应加强排气孔观察,并应确认浆体流出和浇筑密实后再封堵排气孔; |