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6352 |
3 For the load-bearing concrete block with single-row holes, the holes pattern shall be able to guarantee the holes in the upper and lower blocks to be aligned. For the perforated brick and non-load bearing concrete block with single-row holes, the half-blind hole should be adopted; |
3 承重单排孔混凝土小型空心砌块的孔型,应保证其砌筑时上下皮砌块的孔与孔相对;多孔砖及自承重单排孔小砌块的孔型宜采用半盲孔; |
6353 |
3 For the loops not laid along the rails, they shall be fixed to the rail-bearing platform or home-made crowntree with Ω clamps; and the loops shall be free from twisting and turning-up. |
3 环线不沿钢轨敷设时,应用Ω卡固定在承轨台或自制小枕木上;环线应无扭绞、不翘起。 |
6354 |
3 For the mountain valley along wind direction, η=1.20~1.50. |
3 对于与风向一致的谷口、山口,η可在1.20~1.50选取。 |
6355 |
3 For the on-site domestic water consumption in the office area and living area, water-saving appliances shall be adopted, and the configuration rate hereof shall reach 100%. |
3 施工现场办公区、生活区的生活用水应采用节水器具,节水器具配置率应达到100%。 |
6356 |
3 For the panel zone where gabled frame rafter with column intersects (Figure 10.2.7-2a), shear stress should be checked in accordance with the following formula. When failed to meet with formula (10.2.7-6), the web plate shall be thickened and diagonal stiffening ribs be arranged (Figure 10.2.7-2b). |
3 门式刚架斜梁与柱相交的节点域(图10.2.7-2a),应按下式验算剪应力,当不满足式(10.2.7-6)要求时,应加厚腹板或设置斜加劲肋(图10.2.7-2b)。 |
6357 |
3 For the places where it is necessary to have a high illuminance on the working plane. The mixed lighting should be used when the general lighting is not applicable. |
3 对于作业面照度要求较高,只采用一般照明不合理的场所,宜采用混合照明; |
6358 |
3 For the positions of the underground structure different in elevation at the same slab floor, the flexural, shear and torsion bearing capacity of the member at this position shall be checked, if necessary, reliable horizontal transfer structure or temporary bracing measures shall be arranged; |
3 对地下结构的同层楼板面存在高差的部位,应验算该部位构件的抗弯、抗剪、抗扭承载能力,必要时应设置可靠的水平转换结构或临时支撑等措施; |
6359 |
3 For the protection pipes led across the drainage ditches, the length of the protection pipes shall be longer than the width of drainage ditches and the protection pipes shall be directly fixed on the ground with pipe clamps at both ends of the drainage ditches. |
3 穿越排水沟时,防护管长度应大于排水沟宽度,并在排水沟两端用管卡直接固定在地面上。 |
6360 |
3 For the reinforcement of the rectangular cap, rebars shall be arranged evenly and continuously in longitudinal and transverse direction (Figure 8.5.17a); the diameter of rebars should not be less than 10mm and their spacings should not be greater than 200mm; for the tri-pile cap, rebars shall be arranged evenly in accordance with three-way slab belt, and the triangle enclosed by the innermost three rebars shall be within the range of column section (Figure 8.5.17b). Main rebars of cap beam shall not only meet the calculation requirements, but also meet the requirements of the minimum reinforcement ratio in the current national standard GB 50010 Code for Design of Concrete Structures; the diameter of main rebars should not be less than 12mm; the diameter of erection bars should not be less than 10mm and the diameter of stirrups should not be less than 6mm (Figure 8.5.17c); the minimum reinforcement ratio of the isolated pile foundation cap under columns shall not be less than 0.15%. |
3 承台的配筋,对于矩形承台,其钢筋应按双向均匀通长布置 (图8.5.17a),钢筋直径不宜小于10mm,间距不宜大于200mm;对于三桩承台,钢筋应按三向板带均匀布置,且最里面的三根钢筋围成的三角形应在柱截面范围内 (图8.5.17b)。承台梁的主筋除满足计算要求外,尚应符合现行国家标准 《混凝土结构设计规范》GB50010关于最小配筋率的规定,主筋直径不宜小于12mm,架立筋不宜小于10mm,箍筋直径不宜小于6mm(图8.5.17c);柱下独立桩基承台的最小配筋率不应小于0.15%。 |
6361 |
3 For the residential buildings with 19 and more than 19 stories, not less than two safety exits from each storey in each residential unit shall be provided. |
3 19层及19层以上的住宅建筑,每个住宅单元每层的安全出口不应少于2个。 |