ID 原文 译文
6292 3 Fastening bolts of luminaire shall be free from looseness or rust phenomenon; the sealing washer shall be intact; 3 灯具的紧固螺栓应无松动、锈蚀现象,密封垫圈完好;
6293 3 Filter for full-air air conditioning system shall be able to meet the demand for operation of all fresh air. 3 全空气空气调节系统的过滤器应能满足全新风运行的需要。
6294 3 Final acceptance may involve all engineering information in addition to project itself. 3 竣工验收除验收实物质量外,尚应包括各种工程资料。
6295 3 Fineness (specific surface area), water requirement ratio (fluidity ratio), activity index (compressive strength ratio) and ignition loss of mineral admixtures shall be inspected. 3 应对矿物掺合料细度(比表面积)、需水量比(流动度比)、活性指数(抗压强度比)、烧失量指标进行检验。
6296 3 Finish coating of the wall with outer insulation board shall be possessed of waterproofing permeability. 3 外保温墙体所采用的饰面涂料应具有防水透气性。
6297 3 Finishing the existing structures and the structure member strengthening positions; 3 修整原结构、构件加固部位;
6298 3 Floor-type or bracket-installed lamps in crowded pedestrian paths and other places, protective measures should be taken to avoid accidental electric shock. 3 人行通道等人员密集场所安装的落地式灯具、支架上安装的灯具等,应采取防意外触电的保护措施。
6299 3 For Q390 steel materials, the steel materials of the same manufacturer and quality grade shall form an inspection lot with the weight not greater than 60t; when the supply weight of the steel materials of the same manufacturer is greater than 600t and all the re-inspections are qualified, the weight of each lot may be increased to 300t; 3 牌号为Q390的钢材,应按同一生产厂家、同一质量等级的钢材组成检验批,每批重量不应大于60t;同一生产厂家的钢材供货重量超过600t且全部复验合格时,每批的组批重量可扩大至300t;
6300 3 For bonded structures and structure members or reinforced ones mixed with polymer for strengthening, their working states shall be inspected regularly and the inspection interval may be determined by the design organization, but the first inspection time shall be less than 10 years (including). 3 对使用胶粘方法或掺有聚合物加固的结构、构件,尚应定期检查其工作状态。检查的时间间隔可由设计单位确定,但第一次检查时间不应迟于10年。
6301 3 For building external wall paved with light color facing, the absorption factor of solar radiation of wall body shall be less than 0.6; 3 建筑外墙浅色饰面,墙体太阳辐射吸收率小于0.6;