ID 原文 译文
6232 3 Design of anchor reinforcement; 3 锚杆筋体材料设计;
6233 3 Design value of bolt connection strength shall be adopted according to those specified in Table 3.2.4-3. 3 螺栓连接的强度设计值应按表3.2.4-3采用。
6234 3 Designation, specification, quantity and position of local reinforcing rebar; 3 局部加强钢筋的牌号、规格、数量和位置;
6235 3 Designation, specification, quantity, spacing and position of stirrup and transverse rebars, the bending angle and straight section length of stirrup hook; 3 箍筋、横向钢筋的牌号、规格、数量、间距、位置,箍筋弯钩的弯折角度及平直段长度;
6236 3 Determine the design value of resistance for the given partial factor γG and γQ for the selected structure or structural members; 3 对选定的结构或结构构件,确定分项系数γG和γQ下简单组合的抗力设计值;
6237 3 Deviation of position of pretensioning tendons tensioned to the design position. 3 先张法预应力筋张拉后与设计位置的偏差。
6238 3 Directional indicator should be arranged at places with 250mm~500mm distant from enclosure, flower stand and green belt; 3 行进盲道宜在距围墙、花台、绿化带250mm~500mm处设置;
6239 3 Display equipment should be supplied with electricity separately by using wave filtering socket of power supply; 3 显示设备宜使用电源滤波插座单独供电;
6240 3 Distance between grounding body and building shall not be less than 1.5m. 3 接地体距建筑物距离不应小于1.5m。
6241 3 Distance from splicing sleeve or repair sleeve to spacer center shall not be less than 0.5m; 3 接续管或补修管与间隔棒中心的距离不宜小于0.5m;