ID 原文 译文
6182 3 Classification and Combination of Loads 3 荷载分类和荷载组合
6183 3 Clay content and clay lump content shall meet the requirements of Appendix F in this code. 3 含泥量、泥块含量指标应符合本规范附录F的规定。
6184 3 Clay content and clay lump content shall meet the requirements of Appendix F in this code; 3 含泥量、泥块含量指标应符合本规范附录F的规定;
6185 3 Clean anchor plates and jacking ends of prestressing tendons; check compaction of concrete behind anchor plates. 3 清理锚垫板和张拉端预应力筋,检查锚垫板后混凝土的密实性。
6186 3 Cleaning and finishing the existing structures and structure members; 3 清理、修整原结构、构件;
6187 3 Clear width of doorway after side-hung door, sliding door and folding door are opened shall not be less than 800mm. If conditions permit, it should not be less than 900mm; 3 平开门、推拉门、折叠门开启后的通行净宽度不应小于800mm,有条件时,不宜小于900mm;
6188 3 Clear width of elevator door opening should not be less than 900mm; 3 电梯门洞的净宽度不宜小于900mm;
6189 3 Closestool shall be arranged in water closet compartment and horizontal grab bar with length no less than 700mm shall be arranged on both sides of water closet compartment and at places with 700mm distant from ground and 1.40m high vertical grab bar shall be arranged on the opposite side of the wall. 3 厕位内应设坐便器,厕位两侧距地面700mm处应设长度不小于700mm的水平安全抓杆,另一侧应设高1.40m的垂直安全抓杆。
6190 3 Coefficient of performance (COP) of water chilling screw unit at variable frequency shall not be less than 0.95 times of the values specified in Table 4.2.10. 3 水冷变频螺杆式机组的性能系数(COP)不应低于表4.2.10中数值的0.95倍。
6191 3 Compacting of inclined surface of concrete shall run from lower part to upper part. 3 振捣倾斜表面时,应由低处向高处进行振捣。