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6172 |
3 Calculation of bearing capacity, stability and deformation of retaining structure; |
3 支护结构的承载力、稳定和变形计算; |
6173 |
3 Calculation of ground settlement caused by dewatering and protection measures for surroundings; |
3 降水引起的地面沉降计算及环境保护措施; |
6174 |
3 Calculation of the final stabilized water level and the variation of water level with time at each typical positions within the affected range of dewatering. |
3 计算基坑降水域内各典型部位的最终稳定水位及水位降深随时间的变化。 |
6175 |
3 Camera of conference speech system shall be able to automatically follow the speaker and shall automatically focus and amplify; the interlocking video display units shall display the images of speaker; |
3 会议发言系统摄像机应能自动跟踪发言者,并应自动对焦放大;联动视频显示设备应显示发言者图像; |
6176 |
3 Capable of isolating a single train door. |
3 能对单个车门进行隔离。 |
6177 |
3 Changing the set value of the controlled equipment, the actuation order/trend of the corresponding actuator shall meet the design requirements; |
3 改变被控设备的设定值,其相应执行机构动作的顺序/趋势应符合设计要求; |
6178 |
3 Channel and handling space required for equipment entrance into site shall be provided according to equipment supplier's requirement. |
3 应根据产品供应商的要求,提供设备进场所需要的通道和搬运空间。 |
6179 |
3 Checking and confirmation of implementing conditions in site for technical requirements specified in the construction scheme; |
3 根据施工方案中的技术要求,检查并确认施工现场具备实施条件; |
6180 |
3 Chimney, ventilation tunnel, tube well etc. shall not be reckoned in the interior utilization area; |
3 烟囱、通风道、管井等均不应计入套内使用面积; |
6181 |
3 Class Ⅳ public parking space (garage) shall be arranged with accessible vehicle parking lot whose number shall not be less than one. |
3 Ⅳ类公共停车场(库)应设置不少于1个无障碍机动车停车位。 |