ID 原文 译文
6092 3 All the divisional works included in the unit (subunit) works shall be provided with complete inspection data related to the safety and functions. 3 单位(子单位)工程所含分部工程有关安全和功能的检测资料应完整。
6093 3 All the metal enclosures of equipment, the metallic pipelines, metallic wire slots and metal structure of building in control room shall be carried out with equipotential bonding and also shall be grounded; 3 控制室内的所有设备的金属外壳、金属管道、金属线槽、建筑物金属结构等应进行等电位连接并接地;
6094 3 All wire cables of the system shall be led into the elevated floor in control room through metallic conduits, wire slots and then shall be led to place below cabinet and console; 3 系统线缆均应通过金属管、线槽引入控制室架空地板下,再引至机柜和控制台下方;
6095 3 Analysis of load-carrying capacity and rigidity of forms and their supports; 3 模板及支架的承载力、刚度验算;
6096 3 Analysis of the possibility of quicksand and piping; 3 分析流砂、管涌产生的可能性;
6097 3 Analyze and assess the fatigue action on the structure or parts of the structure and the corresponding fatigue resistance; 3 对结构或局部构造上的疲劳作用和对应的疲劳抗力进行分析评定;
6098 3 Analyze the reliability of the structure; 3 对实际结构的可靠性进行分析;
6099 3 Analyzing the format of traditional design method, such as the expressions for flexural and shear design; 3 分析传统设计方法的表达式,如受弯表达式、受剪表达式等;
6100 3 Anchor bolts set for base plate with shoulder plates is unsuitable for shear resistance. Resistance on shear should rely on friction force among baseplate and concrete foundation. 3 带靴梁的锚栓不宜受剪,柱底受剪承载力按底板与混凝土基础间的摩擦力取用,摩擦系数可取0.4,计算摩擦力时应考虑屋面风吸力产生的上拔力的影响。
6101 3 Anchor grouting should adopt cement mortar or pure cement slurry and the design strength of grouting should not be less than 20.0MPa. 3 锚固体宜采用水泥砂浆或纯水泥浆,浆体设计强度不宜低于20.0MPa。