ID 原文 译文
6072 3 According to the tension scheme, the installed screw rods on the both sides of strengthening steel plates shall be simultaneously tightened to carry out transverse tensioning. 3 按张拉方案,同时收紧安装在补强钢板两侧的螺杆,进行横向张拉。
6073 3 Actuators such as electric air valve, electric water valve, electricmagnetic valve, etc. .; 3 电动风阀、电动水阀、电磁阀等执行器;
6074 3 Addition lighting shall be provided in the goal area of ice hockey rinks. 3 冰球场应增加对球门区的照明。
6075 3 Adjust the load distribution, foundation width or embedment depth of each part; 3 调整各部分的荷载分布、基础宽度或埋置深度;
6076 3 Adopting pile foundation is economical, when the soft soil under the foundation base is relatively thin. 3 基底下软土层较薄,采用桩基经济者。
6077 3 Aerated concrete block or aerated concrete plate is adopted, with the outer side painted with water-proof coating; 3 采用加气混凝土砌块或加气混凝土板,外侧涂装防水涂料;
6078 3 After concrete meets requirement and lowers down to 5℃, form and thermal insulating layer can be dismantled. When the difference between concrete surface temperature and environmental temperature is larger than 15℃, concrete shall be covered with heat insulating material. 3 模板和保温层在混凝土达到要求并冷却到5℃后方可拆除,当拆模后混凝土表面温度与环境温度之差大于15℃时,应对混凝土采用保温材料覆盖养护。
6079 3 After drilling of holes on soft rock, fix anchor bars or anchor bolts and fill concrete against weathering of hole walls. 3 软质岩成孔后应立即安装锚筋或地脚螺栓,并浇灌混凝土,以防孔壁风化。
6080 3 After installation of screwed splices, the torsional moment shall be checked and tightened with special torque wrench. 3 螺纹接头安装后应使用专用扭力扳手校核拧紧扭力矩。
6081 3 After precast member is erected in place, its position and verticality may be adjusted slightly by adjusting temporary supports. 3 构件安装就位后,可通过临时支撑对构件的位置和垂直度进行微调。