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6052 2kN/m2 acting on the top of railing shall be taken respectively; and they shall be considered individually. (本条规范于2022年1月1日被工程建设国家标准《工程结构通用规范》GB 55001-2021废止)
6053 2—Bearing plate (force transmission top plate); 2—抵承板 (传力顶板);
6054 2″Shall comply with…″or″shall meet the requirements of…″ is used in this Code to indicate that it is necessary to comply with the requirements stipulated in other relative standards and codes. 2 条文中指定应按其他有关标准执行的写法为:“应符合……的规定”或“应按……
6055 3 1.4 should be taken for the partial coefficient γw of wind load. 3 风荷载分项系数γw应取1.4。
6056 3 180kg/m3 is generally taken for the southern areas of Huaihe River and Qinling Mountains, among which 230kg/m3 is taken for Jiangxi and Zhejiang areas. 3 淮河、秦岭以南地区一般取180kg/m3,其中江西、浙江取230kg/m3。
6057 3 2.4m for two-way stair in public area. 3 双向公共区人行楼梯2.4m。
6058 3 400mm~500mm high call button shall be arranged in guest room and rest room; 3 客房及卫生间应设高400mm~500mm的救助呼叫按钮;
6059 3 700mm high horizontal grab bar and 1.40m~1.60m high vertical grab bar distant from the ground shall be arranged in shower stall; 3 淋浴间应设距地面高700mm的水平抓杆和高1.40m~1.60m的垂直抓杆;
6060 3 A level shall be erected on the column bracket surface and the rail installation elevation is determined according to third-grade level precision. 3 应在柱牛腿面架设水准仪按三等水准精度要求测设轨道安装标高。
6061 3 A line shall be drawn at the relative position of the screw rod end face and the nut. Then, all of the nuts are loosened and the bolt is tightened up again according to the specified primary screwing torque and final screwing angle; the angle between the end line and the original end line is measured and it shall meet those specified in Table 7.4.6-2; if the error is within±30°, it shall be deemed as acceptable; 3 应在螺杆端面和螺母相对位置画线,然后全部卸松螺母,应再按规定的初拧扭矩和终拧角度重新拧紧螺栓,测量终止线与原终止线画线间的角度,应符合表7.4.6-2的要求,误差在±30°者应为合格;