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5972 |
21.3.3 The application method and quality requirements of structural interfacial adhesive (agent) shall meet the requirements of manufacturer's instruction and construction drawing description. |
21.3.3 结构界面胶 (剂)的涂刷方法及质量要求,应符合产品使用说明书及施工图说明的要求。 |
5973 |
21.4 Application of Grouts |
21.4 灌浆施工 |
5974 |
21.4.1 The connection (welding) and installation quality for principle bar, hoop reinforcement as well as other connection piece, anchoring element and embedded parts of newly-added section with existing structure members shall meet the requirements of Article 5.3.1 in this code. |
21.4.1 新增截面的受力钢筋、箍筋及其他连接件、锚固件、预埋件与原构件连接 (焊接)和安装的质量,应符合本规范第5.3.1条的要求。 |
5975 |
21.4.2 The design and installation of formwork, tightening pieces (clamping apparatus) and support for grouts shall not only meet the requirements of current national standard GB 50204 Code for Acceptance of Constructional Quality of Concrete Structures, but also shall meet the following requirements: |
21.4.2 灌浆工程的模板、紧箍件 (卡具)及支架的设计与安装,除应遵守现行国家标准 《混凝土结构工程施工质量验收规范》GB 50204的规定外,尚应符合下列要求: |
5976 |
21.4.3 As for the mixture of newly-added grout and fine stone concrete, its strength grade must meet the design requirements; the test pieces for inspecting the mixture strength shall be sampled, fabricated, cured, and inspected under the evidence of supervision engineer according to the requirements of Article 5.3.2 in this code. |
21.4.3 新增灌浆料与细石混凝土的混合料,其强度等级必须符合设计要求,用于检查其强度的试块,应在监理工程师的见证下,按本规范第5.3.2条的规定进行取样、制作、养护和检验。 |
5977 |
21.4.4 The grouting process shall meet the requirements of current relevant national standards and the manufacturer's instruction. |
21.4.4 灌浆工艺应符合国家现行有关标准和产品使用说明书的规定。 |
5978 |
21.4.5 Where the daily mean temperature is lower than 5℃, effective measures shall be taken to ensure the grouting process is safe and feasible in accordance with the requirements of winter construction. |
21.4.5 日平均温度低于5℃时,应按冬期施工要求,采取有效措施确保灌浆工艺安全可行。 |
5979 |
21.4.6 After grouting mixture, effective curing measures shall be taken timely according to the construction technical scheme and the following requirements shall be met: |
21.4.6 混合料灌注完毕后,应按施工技术方案及时采取有效的养护措施,并应符合下列规定: |
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21.5 Quality Inspection |
21.5 施工质量检验 |
5981 |
21.5.1 As for the mixture mixed with grout and fine stone concrete as well as the newly-added section grouted by grouting method, their construction quality shall meet the requirements of Chapter 5 in this code. |
21.5.1 以灌浆料与细石混凝土拌制的混合料,并采用灌浆法灌注而成的新增截面,其施工质量应符合本规范第5章的规定。 |