ID 原文 译文
5916 2.3.6 Defect 2.3.6 缺陷
5917 2.3.7 Repair 2.3.7 返修
5918 2.3.8 Rework 2.3.8 返工
5919 2.4 The load carrying capacity may be assessed by the following methods according to the different conditions for the structure that the assessment result of the structural system and member arrangement as well as connection and detailing comply with the specification in Article G. 2.2 and Article G. G.2.4 对结构体系和构件布置、连接和构造的评定结果满足第G.2.2和G.2.3条要求的结构,其承载力可根据结构的不同情况采取下列方法进行评定:
5920 2.8 Load testing-based method may be used for the assessment of structure or structural member if it is possible. The structure or structural member that meet the following requirements at the same time may be assessed to be safe: G.2.8 对具备相应条件的结构或结构构件,可采用基于荷载检验的评定方法,此时对同时满足下列要求的结构或结构构件,可评定其承载力符合要求:
5921 20 Anchors 20 锚栓工程
5922 20 GB 13545 Fired Hollow Bricks and Blocks 20《烧结空心砖和空心砌块》GB 13545
5923 20 GB 1499.1 Steel for the Reinforcement of Concrete—Part 1: Hot Rolled Plain Bars 20 《钢筋混凝土用钢 第1部分:热轧光圆钢筋》GB 1499.1
5924 20 GB 19415 Limited Values of Energy Efficiency and Evaluating Values of Energy Conservation for Single-capped Fluorescent Lamps 20 《单端荧光灯能效限定值及节能评价值》 GB 19415
5925 20 GB/T 1591 High Strength Low Alloy Structural Steels 20 《低合金高强度结构钢》GB/T 1591