ID 原文 译文
5546 2.0.3 Precast concrete structure 2.0.3 装配式混凝土结构
5547 2.0.3 Residential building unit 2.0.3 住宅单元
5548 2.0.3 Single facade window to wall ratio 2.0.3 单一立面窗墙面积比
5549 2.0.3 Site inspection 2.0.3 进场检验
5550 2.0.3 Stretcher 2.0.3 顺砖
5551 2.0.30 Braille signboard 2.0.30 盲文铭牌
5552 2.0.30 Luminaire efficiency 2.0.30 灯具效率
5553 2.0.31 Audible pedestrian signals for street crossing 2.0.31 过街音响提示装置
5554 2.0.31 Luminaire efficacy 2.0.31 灯具效能
5555 2.0.32 Bus station with intelligent voice prompts 2.0.32 语音提示站台