ID | 原文 | 译文 |
5416 | 2.0.1 Curb ramp | 2.0.1 缘石坡道 |
5417 | 2.0.1 Deepening design | 2.0.1 深化设计 |
5418 | 2.0.1 Energy efficient building | 2.0.1 节能建筑 |
5419 | 2.0.1 Green construction | 2.0.1 绿色施工 |
5420 | 2.0.1 Green lights | 2.0.1 绿色照明 |
5421 | 2.0.1 Installation of lifts, escalators and passenger conveyors | 2.0.1 电梯安装工程 |
5422 | 2.0.1 Lighting installation | 2.0.1 照明装置 |
5423 | 2.0.1 Masonry structure engineering | 2.0.1 砌体结构工程 |
5424 | 2.0.1 Residential building | 2.0.1 住宅 |
5425 | 2.0.1 Residential building | 2.0.1 住宅建筑 |