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5346 2) The test process, repairing measures and test results shall be recorded; 2)应记录试验过程、修复措施与试验结果。
5347 2) The test process, repairing measures and test results shall be recorded; 2)应记录试验过程、修复措施与试验结果;
5348 2) The thickness of steel reinforcement mesh composite cement mortar layer should be 30mm~45mm; 2)钢筋网水泥复合砂浆面层厚度宜为30mm~45mm;
5349 2) The thickness of steel reinforcement mesh composite cement motor layer should be 30mm~45mm; 2)钢筋网水泥复合砂浆面层厚度宜为30mm~45mm;
5350 2) The water distribution pipe of more than three showers should be arranged in a circle; 2)多于3个淋浴器的配水管道宜布置成环形;
5351 2) The whole structures or parts of them lose equilibrium as a rigid body; 2)整个结构或其一部分作为刚体失去平衡;
5352 2) The width of expansion joint shall not be less than 20mm. with cold-resistance and moistureproof elastic material filled through the joint, with no debris in the joint. 2)伸缩缝宽度不小于20mm,并沿缝贯通填充耐寒防潮的弹性材料,缝内不得有杂物。
5353 2) The window area of the reference building shall be the same as the designed building. When the window area of the designed building is larger than the prescriptive index, the window area of the reference building shall be shrunk to meet the prescriptive index requirement; 2)参照建筑的开窗面积应与所设计住宅相同,但当所设计住宅的窗面积超过规定性指标时,参照建筑的窗面积应减小到符合规定性指标;
5354 2) The wire pipe in and out of building shall be done with waterproofing gradient, and the gradient should not be larger than 15‰; 2)进出建筑物线管应做防水坡度,坡度不宜大于15‰;
5355 2) The wiring of various wire cables shall be firm and correct and be marked; 2)各类线缆的接线应牢固,正确,并应作标识;