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5336 2) The selected light types, accessory standard and models shall be unified and universal; 2)选用的灯型、配件规格、型号宜统一,可相互通用;
5337 2) The shear strength of double-side trumpet-shaped welded joint may be calculated according to following formula: 2)双边喇叭形焊缝的抗剪强度可按下式计算:
5338 2) The slideway guardrail around the bend shall be heightened and reinforced. 2)转弯处滑道护栏应进行加高和加固处理,
5339 2) The socket panels at the sample plane height in the same room shall be horizontal; 2)同一房间,同一平面高度的插座面板应水平;
5340 2) The spacing of measurement grid points should be twice of the spacing of calculation grid points. 2)测量网格点间距宜为计算网格点间距的2倍。
5341 2) The specific design expressions and factors shall be in accordance with the specification in the current relevant national standards. 2)具体的设计表达式及各种系数,应按国家现行有关标准的规定采用。
5342 2) The specification of the fuse protector possessed by the rack shall meet the requirements, when inspecting, power switch of each functional unit shall be in the closed position; 2)各机架所有的熔断器规格应符合要求,检查各功能单元电源开关应处于关闭状态;
5343 2) The structural rigidity of podiums is fairly good and the total structure storey number of basement and podiums above the foundation shall not be less than two; 2)裙房结构刚度较好且基础以上的地下室和裙房结构层数不少于两层;
5344 2) The system management provisions shall be formulated and enforced strictly, and the management provisions shall also be improved in appropriate time; 2)应制订系统管理规定并严格执行,尚应适时改进管理规定;
5345 2) The test process, repairing measures and test results shall be recorded. 2)应记录试验过程、修复措施与试验结果。