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5326 2) The outdoor track circuit position shall be consistent with the track section position indication on the consoles (displays); 2)室外轨道电路位置与控制台(显示器)上的轨道区段表示应一致;
5327 2) The password should be the combination of capital and small letters, figures and punctuations; 2)密码宜为大写字母、小写字母、数字、标点符号的组合;
5328 2) The pile foundation of building with Grade-B design grade of foundation, in case of complicated building shape and configuration, nonuniform loading or with soft soil stratum available below the pile tip; 2) 体形复杂、荷载不均匀或桩端以下存在软弱土层的设计等级为乙级的建筑物桩基;
5329 2) The pipeline has only one bend in per length exceeding 20m; 2)管路长度每超过20m且仅有一个弯曲;
5330 2) The position of upper supporting point of diagonal brace is not less than the centroid line of purlin; 2)隅撑的上支承点的位置不低于檩条形心线;
5331 2) The power cable and the communication transmission cable of the ticket gate machine and shall be laid in concealed pipes. 2)闸机的供电线缆和通信传输线缆应采取暗管敷设。
5332 2) The project management model of the assembly type building is proposed in the form of the engineering procurement construction(EPC) + parallelism theory+building information modeling (BIM). 2)在装配式建筑的工程项目管理模式上提出 EPC五位一体+并行+BIM。
5333 2) The punching shear capacity of corner piles on tri-pile triangular cap may be calculated according to the following formula (Figure 8.5.19-3). For the circular column and circular pile, circular section may be converted to square section in calculation. 2)三桩三角形承台受角桩冲切的承载力可按下列公式计算(图8.5.19-3)。对圆柱及圆桩,计算时可将圆形截面换算成正方形截面。
5334 2) The rotational stiffness of beam-to-column connection shall be calculated according to the following formulas: 2)梁柱转动刚度应按下列公式计算:
5335 2) The seismic anchorage length (laE) of longitudinal load-carrying rebars of seismic grade 3 shall be calculated according to the following formula: 2) 三级抗震等级纵向受力钢筋的抗震锚固长度(laE)应按下式计算: