ID 原文 译文
5186 2 Zone I covers Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi, Hainan, Shanghai, Jiangsu, Anhui and Chongqing; 2 一区包括:湖北、湖南、江西、浙江、福建、广东、广西、海南、上海、江苏、安徽、重庆;
5187 2 a indicates one year. 2 符号a为年。
5188 2 etaining: the gravity anti-slide retaining wall, the anti-slide pile and other sliding-resistant structures may be selected according to the magnitude, direction and action point of landslide thrust. 2 支挡:根据滑坡推力的大小、方向及作用点,可选用重力式抗滑挡墙、阻滑桩及其他抗滑结构。
5189 2 h represents the depth of embedded bay bolt hole, in mm. 2 h为预埋地脚螺栓孔孔深,单位为mm。
5190 2 h——side length of regular section which is parallel to axial force. 2 h为矩形截面中平行于轴向力偏心方向的边长。
5191 2 men's room and ladies’ room should meet the relevant requirements of Section 8.13 of this code. 2 男、女公共厕所宜满足本规范第8.13节的有关规定。
5192 2 men's room and ladies’ room should meet the relevant requirements of Section 8.13 of this code. 2 男、女公共厕所应满足本规范第8.13节的有关规定。
5193 2 of corresponding mean square error of a point in this table may be taken as the limit of the mean square error ofdisplacement in particular direction. 2 特定方向的位移中误差,可取表中相应点位中误差的 作为限值;
5194 2 the annual water consumption of domestic water saving in dormitory, hotel and other public building shall be calculated according to the following formula: 2 宿舍、旅馆等公共建筑的生活用水年节水用水量应按下式计算:
5195 2 γ0 may be appropriately increased if the natural conditions are complex and the structure is difficult for maintaining. 2 自然条件复杂、维护有困难时,γ0可适当提高。