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5136 |
2 Where sidewalk is equipped with directional indicator, it shall be connected to warning indicator. |
2 人行道中有行进盲道时,应与提示盲道相连接。 |
5137 |
2 Where sidewalk is equipped with tactile ground surface indicator system, it shall be connected to tactile ground surface indicator at bus stop; |
2 当人行道中设有盲道系统时,应与公交车站的盲道相连接; |
5138 |
2 Where specific position fails to meet these overlapping requirements, the horizontal mortar seam of such position shall be set with φ4 steel mesh and the distance between both ends of mesh and vertical seam at such position shall not be less than 400mm or auxiliary block shall be used; |
2 当个别部位不能满足搭砌要求时,应在此部位的水平灰缝中设φ4钢筋网片,且网片两端与该位置的竖缝距离不得小于400mm,或采用配块; |
5139 |
2 Where tap water is used for washing cars, the water shall be recycled; |
2 当以自来水洗车时,洗车水应循环使用; |
5140 |
2 Where the air-condition is adopted, the calculated temperature of air in summer shall be 29~30℃, and the relative humidity shall not be greater than 65%. |
2 当采用空调时,夏季计算温度应为29~30℃,相对湿度不应大于65%。 |
5141 |
2 Where the broadcasting system has the function of emergency broadcast, the emergency broadcast shall be controlled by the fire-fighting extension set, and shall be possessed of the highest priority; where fire and emergency occurring, the system shall be able to be switched to the emergency broadcast for broadcasting at the maximum sound. |
2 当广播系统具有紧急广播功能时,其紧急广播应由消防分机控制,并应具有最高优先权;在火灾和突发事故发生时,应能强制切换为紧急广播并以最大音量播出。 |
5142 |
2 Where the coaxial cable connector is connected with the equipment interface, excessive fastening shall be prevented; |
2 同轴电缆连接器与设备接口连接时,应防止紧固过度; |
5143 |
2 Where the crack is filled with cement-based repairing materials, surface of the crack and peripheral masonry shall be moistened at first. |
2 采用水泥基修补材料填补裂缝,应先将裂缝及周边砌体表面润湿。 |
5144 |
2 Where the digital output parameters are changed, the open and close actuation of such equipment as fan, electric air valve, electric water valve, etc. . shall be normal. |
2 改变数字量输出参数,相关的风机、电动风阀、电动水阀等设备的开、关动作应正常。 |
5145 |
2 Where the distance of transmission cable exceeds the standard length supported by the selected port, signal amplifier and line compensation equipment shall be used or the optical cables shall be selected for transmission; |
2 传输电缆距离超过选用端口支持的标准长度时,应使用信号放大设备、线路补偿设备,或选用光缆传输; |