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5126 2 Where ground in front of the low height ticket window exists height difference, wheelchair ramp and platform no less than 1.50m×1.50m shall be arranged; 2 低位售票窗口前地面有高差时,应设轮椅坡道以及不小于1.50m×1.50m的平台;
5127 2 Where grouting the enlarged section of column by punching hole in floor slab surface, the formwork shall be erected according to the requirements of one-off full grouting and measures shall be taken to prevent motor leakage at joint. 2 当采用在楼板的板面上凿孔对柱的增大截面部位进行灌浆时,应按一次性灌满的要求架设模板,并采用措施防止连接处漏浆。
5128 2 Where handle hole is sealed by template, measures shall be taken to prevent concrete mortar leakage; 2 当用模板封闭操作孔时,应有防止混凝土漏浆的措施;
5129 2 Where it is difficult to arrange a wheelchair ramp, wheelchair accessible elevator may be arranged. 2 当设置轮椅坡道有困难时,可设置无障碍电梯。
5130 2 Where it is needed to increase weld thickness, welding shall be started from the less load-carrying position of the original weld and the weld thickness in each welding should not be larger than 2mm; 2 当需加大焊缝厚度时,应从原焊缝受力较小的部位开始施焊,且每次敷焊的焊缝厚度不宜大于2mm;
5131 2 Where large lighting luminaires are equipped on site, proper measure shall be provided with to prevent strong light from being radiate outward. 2 工地设置大型照明灯具时,应有防止强光线外泄的措施。
5132 2 Where load effect is favorable to the structure (such as checking for overturning, slippage resistance, anti-floating), the lower limit value is taken. 2 当荷载效应对结构有利(如验算倾覆、抗滑移、抗浮起等)时,取下限值。
5133 2 Where one or more field control units lose power, the workstation shall be able to output correct alarm; 2 使系统中的一个或多个现场控制器失电,工作站应输出正确的报警;
5134 2 Where places with gathering people, such as building entrance hall, lounge (VIP rest room) and evacuation hall exist height difference or are provided with steps, wheelchair ramp shall be arranged; rest seat and accessible rest area where wheelchair may be put, should be provided with; 2 建筑出入口大厅、休息厅、贵宾休息室、疏散大厅等人员聚集场所有高差或台阶时应设轮椅坡道,宜提供休息座椅和可以放置轮椅的无障碍休息区;
5135 2 Where reducing valves are zoned by hot water system, the arrangement of reducing valves shall not influence the running effect of circulation system; 2 热水系统采用减压阀分区时,减压阀的设置不得影响循环系统的运行效果;