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5086 |
2 When the fire alarm and control system is powered on, the equipment function shall be tested according to the requirements of the current national standard GB 16806 Automatic Control System for Fire Protection; |
2 火灾自动报警系统通电后,应按现行国家标准《消防联动控制系统》GB 16806的要求对设备进行功能检测; |
5087 |
2 When the foundation beams are existed, the thickness of wall of cupped foundation under the foundation beams shall meet the requirements of support width; |
2 当有基础梁时,基础梁下的杯壁厚度,应满足其支承宽度的要求; |
5088 |
2 When the four corner column arrangement, the position and height of luminaires shall meet the requirements of Figure 6.2.6-2. lighting poles shall be layout within the shaded area, and the height of floodlights should be selected that the angle subtended between the center of the pitch and the floodlight should be no less than 25°. |
2 采用四角布置时,灯具的位置应满足图6.2.6-2的要求,灯杆应布置在阴影范围内,灯具高度宜满足灯具到场地中心的连线与场地平面之间的夹角不小于25°; |
5089 |
2 When the height of one floor or several floors in the building is more than 3m, the sum of floors shall be counted by dividing their overall height by 3m. If the remainder is less than 1.5m, it shall not be counted into the sum of floors; if the remainder is larger than or equal to 1.5m, it shall be counted as one more floor. |
2 当建筑中有一层或若干层的层高超过3m时,应对这些层按其高度总和除以3m进行层数折算,余数不足1.5m时,多出部分不计入建筑层数;余数大于或等于1.5m时,多出部分按1层计算。 |
5090 |
2 When the hoisting capacity of the crane is greater than 750kN and the reference wind pressure is greater than 0. 5kPa, the requirements of the following formula shall be complied with: |
2 起重机起重量大于750kN,基本风压大于0.5kPa,应符合下式的规定: |
5091 |
2 When the horizontal distance from outer edge line of foundation base to the slope top fails to meet the requirements of Formula (5.4.2-1) and Formula (5.4.2-2), the distance from the foundation to the slope top edge and the embedment depth of foundation may be determined according to the average pressure at the foundation base in accordance with Formula (5.4.1). |
2 当基础底面外边缘线至坡顶的水平距离不满足式(5.4.2-1)、式(5.4.2-2)的要求时,可根据基底平均压力按式(5.4.1)确定基础距坡顶边缘的距离和基础埋深。 |
5092 |
2 When the influence of bending moment at the foot of inner tube should be considered, the maximum shear stress of critical punching shear section at h 0/2 apart from the outer surface of the inner tube may be calculated according to Formula (8.4.7-1), this moment, τmax≤0.7βhpft/η. |
2 当需要考虑内筒根部弯矩的影响时,距内筒外表面h0/2处冲切临界截面的最大剪应力可按公式(8.4.7-1)计算,此时τmax≤0.7βhpft/η。 |
5093 |
2 When the length of cul-de-sac is greater than 120m, a turnaround larger than 12m×12m shall be set at the end; |
2 当尽端式道路的长度大于120m时,应在尽端设置不小于12m×12m的回车场地; |
5094 |
2 When the local frost penetration is greater than 500mm but not greater than 1000mm, inner insulation method should be adopted; |
2 当地区冻土深度大于500mm且不大于1000mm时,宜采用内保温做法; |
5095 |
2 When the mortar is mixed with additive, the additive and its addition amount shall meet the relevant requirements of the current national standard GB 8076 Concrete Admixtures; |
2 砂浆中掺有外加剂时,其外加剂及掺量应符合现行国家标准《混凝土外加剂》GB 8076的有关规定; |