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5046 2 When chilled water temperature and temperature difference of supply/return water is required to be consistent, and for small and medium-sized works in each zone without much different pipe pressure loss, variable-flow primary pump system is suggested to be adopted; where a single water pump has larger power, through comparison of technology and economy, variable flow primary pump system may be adopted at water chilling unit and loading side for air conditioning chilled water under the premise of ensuring the adaptability of equipment and reliability of control scheme and operation management, and speed governing pump shall be adopted for primary pump. 2 冷水水温和供回水温差要求一致且各区域管路压力损失相差不大的中小型工程,宜采用变流量一级泵系统;单台水泵功率较大时,经技术经济比较,在确保设备的适应性、控制方案和运行管理可靠的前提下,空调冷水可采用冷水机组和负荷侧均变流量的一级泵系统,且一级泵应采用调速泵。
5047 2 When construction loads for the light or the widened structural members may exceed the load above mentioned, the checking calculation shall be carried out according to the actual conditions, or the temporary facilities, such as bearing plates, supports and etc., shall be used to sustain the loads. 2 对于轻型构件或较宽的构件,应按实际情况验算,或应加垫板、支撑等临时设施;
5048 2 When control of lighting devices is considered, appropriate interface should be provided; 2 当控制照明装置时,宜具备相适应的接口;
5049 2 When conveying and placing with truck feeding bar, the quantity of placing spots shall be determined by working radius of feeding bar and the placement of all placing spots shall be kept at same speed; 2 采用汽车布料杆输送浇筑时,应根据布料杆工作半径确定布料点数量,各布料点浇筑速度应保持均衡;
5050 2 When counterweight is fully pressed on buffer and main drive continuously rotates in accordance with car traveling-up direction, no-load car shall be strictly forbidden lifting up. 2 当对重完全压在缓冲器上,且驱动主机按轿厢上行方向连续运转时,空载轿厢严禁向上提升。
5051 2 When crimping is adopted for wiring, special tools shall be applied for the operation, the wirings shall be connected correctly, and the wire bundles shall be bound tidily. 2 配线采用压接方式时应使用专用工具操作,配线应连接正确、绑扎整齐。
5052 2 When decomposition of iron tower for assembly and erection, compressive strength of concrete shall reach 70% of designed strength; 2 分解组立铁塔时,混凝土的抗压强度应达到设计强度的70%;
5053 2 When different areas within one place have different illuminance requirements, localized general lighting shall be adopted. 2 当同一场所内的不同区域有不同照度要求时,应采用分区一般照明;
5054 2 When foundation concrete accepts admixtures, shall comply with stipulation of current national standard "Code for utility technical of concrete admixture" GB 50119. 2 基础混凝土中掺入外加剂时应符合现行国家标准《混凝土外加剂应用技术规范》GB 50119的有关规定。
5055 2 When ground laying is carried out on the permafrost, construction can be carried out after heat insulation and heat preservation treatments are carried out according to construction energy conservation requirements. 2 在永冻土上铺设地面时,应按建筑节能要求进行隔热、保温处理后方可施工。