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5036 |
2 When a hole tester whose nominal diameter is 0.3mm greater than that of the bolt for inspection, the through rate shall be 100%. |
2 当采用比螺栓公称直径大0.3mm的试孔器检查时,通过率应为100%。 |
5037 |
2 When a landing door or car door (any leaf of multi-leaf door) is open abnormally, elevator must not start or travel continuously. |
2 当一个层门或轿门(在多扇门中任何一扇门)非正常打开时,电梯严禁启动或继续运行。 |
5038 |
2 When a snow arch lintel with snow block is used, the size and the height of the snow lintel shall be based on Table 4.5.15-2. |
2 采用圆拱形雪体碹过梁时,雪体碹尺寸和矢高应按表4.5.15-2采用。 |
5039 |
2 When adopting other varieties of cement, the curing time of concrete shall be determined according to the technical characteristics of the adopted cement or mixtures; |
2 当采用其他品种水泥时,混凝土的养护时间,应根据所采用水泥或混合料的技术性能确定; |
5040 |
2 When adopting the method of snow building, the snow blocks whose strength meets requirements should be employed to form larger snow blocks. The joint and geometric dimension of the snow block should be neat. |
2 当采用雪块垒砌方式时,应采用强度满足设计要求的规格雪块垒砌组合成大型雪坯,垒砌接缝应规整严密,雪坯几何尺寸应规整。 |
5041 |
2 When aggregates are heated by steam, frequency for testing moisture content of aggregates shall be increased and the moisture content brought by aggregates shall be deducted from mixing water of concrete; |
2 蒸汽法加热骨料时,应加大对骨料含水率测试频率,并应将由骨料带入的水分从混凝土拌合水中扣除; |
5042 |
2 When air vents are also used as bleeding holes, the height of nozzles out of the top surface of members should not be less than 300mm. |
2 当排气孔兼作泌水孔时,其外接管伸出构件顶面高度不宜小于300mm。 |
5043 |
2 When aluminum window frame is adopted, measures shall be taken to prevent the electrochemical corrosion between the aluminum window frame and concrete due to direct contact; |
2 当采用铝窗框时,应采取避免铝窗框与混凝土直接接触发生电化学腐蚀的措施; |
5044 |
2 When an ice arch lintel with ice block is used, the size and rise of the ice lintel shall follow Table 4.4.17-2. |
2 采用圆拱形冰砌冰碹过梁时,冰碹尺寸和矢高应按表4.4.17-2选用。 |
5045 |
2 When calculating ground deformation, the action effect transmitted to foundation base shall accord with the quasi-permanent combination of action effects under serviceability limit state, meanwhile wind load and seismic action shall not be counted into; corresponding limit value shall be the allowable deformation of foundation; |
2 计算地基变形时,传至基础底面上的作用效应应按正常使用极限状态下作用的准永久组合,不应计入风荷载和地震作用;相应的限值应为地基变形允许值; |