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4996 2 Under the equivalent conditions, the test sample quantity for the same basic mechanical property parameter shall be at least 3 groups with 6 pieces; and the test sample quantity for the same physical property parameter shall be at least 2 groups with 3 pieces in each group; 2 检验性试验的试件组数及每组试件的数量,在同等条件下,同一检测单位所进行的同一基本力学性能指标的试验样本数量不应少于3组,每组应为6件;同一物理性能指标的试验样本数量不应少于2组,每组应为3件;
4997 2 Under the load condition of rated passenger capacity, trains shall be able to start up on the maximum ramp of the main line and operates to the nearest station where 1/2 of the motive power is lost. 2 在定员载荷工况下,当列车丧失1/2动力时,应具有在正线最大坡道上启动和运行到最近车站的能力。
4998 2 Under the premise of ensuring that the boiler has long-duration higher operating efficiency, the capacities of all boilers are suggested to be equal; 2 在保证锅炉具有长时间较高运行效率的前提下,各台锅炉的容量宜相等;
4999 2 Underground joints of cables shall be placed in a horizontal way, and the joints shall not be bent at locations less than 300mm away from the two ends. 2 电缆的地下接头应水平放置,接头两端各300mm内不得弯曲。
5000 2 Uniformity and workability of concrete mixtures shall be ensured during transportation; 2 运输过程中应保证混凝土拌合物的均匀性和工作性;
5001 2 Unloading the loads on the existing structures (if it is required in the design document); 2 卸除原结构上的荷载(当设计文件有规定时);
5002 2 Use gasoline to clean connection surface and conductor surface and paint coat of electrical compound grease. 2 应使用汽油洗擦连接面及导线表面污垢,并应涂上一层电力复合脂。
5003 2 Using of horizontal members (beam and slab system) of underground structure as internal bracing to excavation retaining; 2 地下结构水平构件(梁、板体系)作为基坑支护的内支撑;
5004 2 Values given in Items No. 4 and No. 5 are only applicable to ordinary industrial plants with a roof slope of α≤25°. 2 第4、5项只适用于坡度α不大于25°的一般工业厂房屋面;
5005 2 Values listed in Appendix D of this Code may be adopted when there are in lack of data for ordinary workshops for metals processing, instrument and meter manufacturing, semiconductor production, cotton spinning and weaving, food and grain processing and tire productions. 2 对于一般金工车间、仪器仪表生产车间、半导体器件车间、棉纺织车间、轮胎准备车间和粮食加工车间,当缺乏资料时,可按本规范附录D采用。