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4716 2 The masonry height of every ice layer should be identical; a water flooding line should be sawn on the surface. The horizontal and vertical seam should not exceed 2mm, and the surface should be smooth and flat; 2 每皮冰块砌筑高度应一致,表面用刀锯划出注水线;冰砌体的水平缝及垂直缝不应大于2mm,且应横平竖直,砌体表面光滑、平整;
4717 2 The masonry height of every layer of ice should be horizontally identical. The horizontal and vertical seams of ice masonry should be less than 2mm wide and be frozen by pouring water. 2 每皮冰块砌筑高度应水平一致,冰砌体水平缝、垂直缝宽度不应大于2mm,且应注水冻实,
4718 2 The masonry unit with horizontal hole shall not be used for the load-bearing masonry. 2 水平孔块体材料不得用于承重砌体。(本条规范于2022年1月1日被工程建设国家标准《砌体结构通用规范》 GB55007-2021废止)
4719 2 The mass per unit area of fabric or the volume content of fiber in preformed plate; 2 纤维织物单位面积质量或预成型板的纤维体积含量;
4720 2 The mass per unit area of fabrics shall be tested according to the current national standard GB/T 9914.3 Test Method for Reinforcement Products-Part 3: Determination of Mass Per Unit Area; the fiber volume content of preformed carbon fiber plates shall be tested according to the current national standard GB/T 3366 Test Method for Fiber Volume Content of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics; 2 纤维织物单位面积质量应按现行国家标准《增强制品试验方法 第3部分:单位面积质量的测定》GB/T 9914.3进行检测;碳纤维预成型板材的纤维体积含量应按现行国家标准《碳纤维增强塑料体积含量试验方法》GB/T 3366进行检测;
4721 2 The maximum particle size of coarse aggregate of self-compacting concrete should not be larger than 20mm; 2 自密实混凝土粗骨料最大粒径不宜大于20mm;
4722 2 The maximum particle size of coarse aggregate should not be larger than 25mm, the content of elongated flaky particles shall not be larger than 8.0%, the clay content shall not be larger than 0.5% and the clay lump content shall not be larger than 0.2%; 2 粗骨料最大粒径不宜大于25mm,针片状颗粒含量不应大于8.0%,含泥量不应大于0.5%,泥块含量不应大于0.2%;
4723 2 The maximum tensioning stress shall meet those specified in the current national standard GB 50666 Code for construction of concrete structures. 2 最大张拉应力应符合现行国家标准《混凝土结构工程施工规范》GB 50666的规定。
4724 2 The measurement shall be carried out when the sports venues meet the service conditions; 2 应在体育场馆满足使用条件的情况下进行;
4725 2 The measuring at the temperature measurement points within the surface around concrete, on concrete surface and for ambient temperature shall be carried out synchronously with the placing and curing processes; 2 浇筑体周边表面以内测温点、浇筑体表面测温点、环境测温点的测温,应与混凝土浇筑、养护过程同步进行;