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4596 2 The end plate thickness t shall be determined according to the supporting conditions. Thickness of end plate in various supporting conditions shall be calculated respectively according to the following formulas: 2 端板厚度t应根据支承条件确定(图10.2.7-1),各种支承条件端板区格的厚度应分别按下列公式计算:
4597 2 The energy efficiency values of double-capped fluorescent lamps for general lighting service shall not be less than the evaluating values of energy conservation specified in the current national standard GB 19043 Limited Values of Energy Efficiency and Rating Criteria of Double-capped Fluorescent Lamps for General Lighting Service; 2 普通照明用双端荧光灯的能效值不应低于现行国家标准《普通照明用双端荧光灯能效限定值及能效等级》GB 19043规定的节能评价值;
4598 2 The energy-saving type lighting fixtures shall be selected to reduce the power consumption of lighting and improve lighting quality; 2 应选用节能型照明灯具、降低照明电耗、提高照明质量;
4599 2 The entire structure or parts of it, as a rigid body, loses its static equilibrium, for which the strength of the structural material or foundation is not critical; 2 整个结构或其一部分作为刚体失去静力平衡,此时结构材料或地基的强度不起控制作用;
4600 2 The entrance terrace; 2 入口平台;
4601 2 The environmental requirements such as power supply, grounding, lighting, socket, temperature and humidity shall be got ready according to those specified in the design documents and shall pass the acceptance inspection; 2 电源、接地、照明、插座以及温、湿度等环境要求,应按设计文件的规定准备就绪,且应验收合格;
4602 2 The equipment and software of integration system shall be completed installation; 2 集成系统的设备和软件应安装完成;
4603 2 The equipment shall be preheated when being powered on for the first time; if no abnormal phenomenon is observed, the normal operation may be carried out; 2 设备初次通电时应预热,观察无异常现象后方可进行正常操作;
4604 2 The equivalent continuous A-weighted sound pressure level in the bedroom during the night shall not be greater than 37 dB; 2 夜间卧室内的等效连续A声级不应大于37dB;
4605 2 The equivalent uniform amplitude repeated stress method should be used for the fatigue ultimate limit states verification of the railway bridge and culvert structures. 2 铁路桥涵结构疲劳承载能力极限状态验算,宜采用等效等幅重复应力法。